Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tuesday, Jan. 27th! - Random! I am back!

Tuesday, Jan. 27th! - Random! I am back!
I totally/completely exhausted.


I’m hoping to name him after me.

My brother was named after my father.

I was named after my grandfather.

The airport was named after the mayor.

Kennedy Aiport was named after John. F. Kennedy. 

~ is ~’s namesake.

Kennedy Airport is John F. Kennedy's namesake.

I am my grandfather’s namesake. = I was named after my grandfather.

We decided to name my son, Victor.

Sony is a big name in electronics.

Sony was the only name in electronics in Japan.

He is making a name for himself.

~ is a household name.

~ has your name on it.

~ is the ~ in name only.
I am the boss in name only. My wife actually controls everything.

Some Republicans belong to the Republican Party but they act like democrats.
RINO = Republican In Name Only

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