Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Wednesday, Jan. 7th! Lucky Numbers!

NOTE: I was sick today and tried to cancel the class. I THOUGHT I had cancelled the class but got a call later. People were waiting for me! So I did the class! It was a glitch in Nico Nico or I just made a mistake! Apologies!

satirical newspaper
satire - noun
satirical -adj.
satirize - verb 
masked men
masked gunmen
start shooting at = open fire on
a connoisseur
profit = 利益
a prophet = a person who talks to God
alternate future
to thwart
a trailer
A Good Kill
Terrorists are stepping up their attacks.
The Americans are stepping up their attacks, as well.
to step up = to increase the number or frequency of st
a caricature = a funny drawing of a real person
to make fun of st =  to satirize st = to skewer st

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