Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Members Only 3月24日(火曜日)英会話 Live Lesson

Members Only 3月24日(火曜日)英会話 Live Lesson

1. Today is the one year anniversary of Maggie’s death.

2. I’m feeling a little nostalgic.

3. That song brings back memories.

4. I was just taking a trip down memory lane.

5. the good old days = the past
I was just thinking about the good old days.

6. My old stomping ground. = the place I grew up or used to hang around

7. an old flame = an old girlfriend or boyfriend
I ran into my old high school flame in the mall yesterday.

8. to settle an old debt/score = to get revenge for something that happened a long time ago
I settled an old score.

9. to give it the old college try = to try hard
Come on, man! Give it the old college try!


10.  I did my best. = I tried very hard.
= I did my darnest. < I did my damnedest.

11. I bent over backwards to do the job.
to work very hard to accomplish something for someone; to go out of one's way (to do something) (for someone).

12. Hang in there! = I know life is hard now but don’t give up.

13. Hold on! You're almost there! Just a little farther!  Hang in there!


14. He got it backasswards!

He always does everything backasswards.

15. I know ~ forwards and backwards.

I know my speech forwards and backwards.

16. I know NYC like the back of my hand.

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