Thursday, March 5, 2015

Members Only 3月5日(木曜日)英会話 Live Lesson

Members Only 3月5日(木曜日)英会話 Live Lesson

1. I’m still a little off. 
tell / say / order / make
tell a) tell information
I told you why I did it. 
She told me her name. 

b) order 命令 
Ryuchi told the other boys to attack Ryota.
Ryuchi told Ryota to go swimming. 

X say

Ryuchi ordered the other boys to attack Ryota.
Ryuchi ordered Ryota to go swimming. 

Ryuchi ordered the other boys to attack Ryota.  --> Ryuchi made the other boys attack Ryota.
NOTE: When using “make” you do not need “to”  
X Ryuchi made the other boys to attack Ryota.

3. 反省する
Ryuichi has shown remorse. 
Ryuichi feels remorse. 

4. 公開する
I regret shoplifting because I got arrested.

5. the leader of a group of bad boys or a gang is the = ?
the ringleader 

a drug ring = 麻薬組織 
a prostitution ring = 売春組織
a smuggling ring = 密輸組織

6. a minor = 未成年

7. His name was leaked on the Internet.  
X His name was exposed.  
He was exposed.

8. 共犯者 = an accomplice 

9. The 3 suspects are now in custody.
拘留されて = in custody

10. resent = 不快に思う
 I resent that. 

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