Sunday, March 29, 2015

Members Only 3月29日(日曜日)英会話 Live Lesson

to release  = to tell the public information that they don’t know
to announce = to tell the public new information
a prevailing theory = most popular theory
explore: 探検する, to think about
We are exploring other possibilities.
to reach an impasse = to reach a deadlock
powers = nuclear powers (USA, UK, France, USSR, CHINA)
plump = 肉付きの良い、太り気味の、ふっくらした
pudgy ずんぐりした
chubby まるまると太った、丸ぽちゃの
healthy = a euphemism for FAT

NEG: He's a blimp.

A euphemism is a softer way of saying something that may offend someone.

euphemism 婉曲語句

to chew the fat = to chat
Fat chance! = The chance is low.
He has a thin chance of winning.  = The chance is low.

It's not over until the fat lady sings.  = The game is not over yet!

I'm a slave to the baby.

Put the lid on. 
Put the cap on.   
Put the cork in. 
Put the cover on. 

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