Tuesday, March 31, 2015

(公開) 3月31日(火曜日)英会話 Live Lesson

(公開) 3月31日(火曜日)英会話 Live Lesson

I’ve recently been blessed with a baby, so my life is chaos.

I was blessed by great parents.

I have been blessed by great parents.

1. Bless you!
Say this when someone sneezes.

2. parents = a father and a mother

3. Like father, like son.

4. Necessity is the mother of invention.

5. mother nature: 母なる自然

6. mama's boy = マザコン
He’s a mama’s boy.

7. sb's whipping boy=〔身代わりとして〕むちを打たれる少年,〔他人の罪の犠牲になる〕身代わり

7b. scapegoat【他動】~を身代わりにする、~に罪を負わせる

8. Attaboy!  よくやった、いいぞ、その調子だ、うまい、見事だ、あっぱれだ
attagirl = よくやった、いいぞ、その調子だ、うまい、見事だ、あっぱれだ

9. Don’t call a black person “boy”. Black people will take it as an insult.

10. The boys in blue. = The police.

11. I have the blues.

12. to talk until you are blue in the face = to talk a lot
I talked to her until I was blue in the face, but I could not change her mind.

13. Why the long face? = Why are you sad?

14. It's as plain as the nose on your face.=It’s clear.

15. a brown-noser = a yes man, someone who kisses a teacher or superior’s ass.
VERB: to brown-nose (sb)
Stop brown-nosing.

16. to kiss someone’s ass = an ass-kisser = a brown-noser
He’s always kissing the boss’s ass.
He’s always brown-nosing the boss.
He’s always sucking up to the boss.

17. Kiss my ass! = 死ね!

18. be cooperative = to be helpful

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