Monday, April 27, 2015

Members Only 4月27日 英会話 Random stuff!

Members Only 4月27日 英会話 Random stuff!
Keith Haring

a social activist = a person who fights for society and for human rights

His favorite subjects were: birth, death, sexuality, and war

He is most famous for "Crack is wack."

Nagoya is famous for...
Haring became interested in art at a very early age.

crack = a cheap version of cocaine

Crack is an inter-city epidemic.

epidemic = 流行病、伝染病、疫病

a mural = 壁画

the finished work = the product

"The performance (the act of painting) becomes as important as the resulting painting."

a metaphor = 比喩
I agree with your metaphor.
Haring was openly gay and was a strong advocate of safe sex.
an advocate = a person who promotes st
However, in 1988, he was diagnosed with AIDS.

A-san was diagnosed with (B).

He was diagnosed with cancer.

He is an international sensation.

commercialism = the monetization of st  = to make money from st
to commercialize st = to do st that lets you make money from st

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Members Only 4月23日 英会話 2-line jokes part 2

 Members Only 4月23日 英会話 2-line jokes part 2 

25 Best Two-Lines Jokes

A: What is green, fuzzy, and if it fell out of a tree would kill you?
B: A pool table.

8. Apparently, someone in London gets stabbed every 52 seconds.
Poor bastard.

How would you find Will Smith in the snow?
Fresh prints.
(Fresh Prince.)

10. I went to a really emotional wedding the other day. Even the cake was in tiers.

She was in tears.

11. We have a genetic predisposition for diarrhea. It runs in our jeans.

It runs in my family.

It runs in our genes.

Curly hair runs in our genes.
Musical ability runs in our genes.
Musical ability does not run in our genes.

It runs in the family.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Members Only 4月21日 英会話 2 line jokes

Members Only 4月21日 英会話 2 line jokes 

Today we studied:

The 25 Best Two-Line Jokes.

1. Parallel lines have so much in common. It’s a shame they’ll never meet.

to have ~ in common

We have a lot in common.
I like Star Trek, and Tom likes Star Trek. We have Star Trek in common.

Tom and Susan have so much things in common. They should date.

2. My wife accused me of being immature. I told her to get out of my fort.

3. Women only call me ugly until they find out how much money I make.
Then they call me ugly and poor.

4. How many ~ does it take to screw in a lightbulb.
How many Pollack does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

How many Germans does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Only 1. Because they are very efficient and not very funny.

Q: How many sheep does it take to change a lightbulb ? 
A: Twenty-one. One to change it and twenty to follow him round while he looks for a new one.

5. What do you call a dog with no legs.
It doesn't matter. It's not coming home.

6. Someone stole my Microsoft Office! He is going to pay!  You have my Word!

7. What's green, fuzzy and if it fell out of a tree would kill you?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Members Only 4月14日 英会話 Live Lesson

 Members Only 4月14日 英会話 Live Lesson

touch idioms:

1. to lose touch with sb:
I lost touch with her.

2. Stay in touch.  / Keep in touch.
= I hope you will continue to contact me from time to time.

3. I’ll be in touch.
I’ll be contacting you sometimes to give you news about this.

4. to get in touch with sb = to call or contact sb
I'm trying to get in touch with ~.

5. to touch base with someone: to talk to sb about st
Let’s touch base later. 後で相談しましょう。

6. Touch wood.
If I get the job all my problems will be over.
If I get the job — touch wood — all my problems will be over.

7. to touch a nerve = to do st that causes an emotional reaction

8. to hit a nerve = to say st that upset sb

9. I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole.

A: Would you like to have a date with Konishiki?
B: I wouldn’t touch him with a 10 foot pole.

10. to be out of touch
a) to no longer be in contact with sb
b) to no longer know about st

He used to know a lot about music but he's out of touch now.

President Bush is out of touch with the people.

11. The doctors said it's touch and go.
touch and go situation = dangerous situation


keep in touch, stay in touch, remain in touch

Monday, April 13, 2015

Members Only 4月13日 英会話 Live Lesson

1. barely = hardly

I’ve barely had time to do anything except look after the baby.
I’ve hardly had time to do anything except look after the baby.

2. a heart of stone = a cold person

3. She is a stone cold fox.

She's a fox.  = She is a sexy woman.
She is foxy.

4. to be carved in stone = to be decided
It’s not carved in stone. 
Is it carved in stone?

5. He who is without sin, cast he first stone.
He was stoned to death.

6. You can't get blood from a stone. = If someone does not have something it is useless to insist.

I owe you money, but I have no money. You can’t get blood from a stone.

7. You are barking up the wrong tree. = You are asking me for something I do not have and have never had and will never had.

8. to be as hard as a rock
This bagel is as hard as a rock.

9. to kill 2 birds with 1 stone
I’m going to stop by the post office on my way to the bank and kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

10. leave no stone unturned
Look everywhere.
Look everywhere! Leave no stone unturned!

Members Only 4月11日(土曜日)英会話 Live Lesson

Members Only 4月11日(土曜日)英会話 Live Lesson
footage = video
a scene = a mini story
a clip = video footage or a scene
a clip of a dog walking = footage
Run the clip.  = Play the video.
deranged = really crazy

permanent residency
There are some conditions.
1. 5 years,  2. high school, 3. no jail  = permanent residency

2 years in the military or 2 years in college/university = 6 year visa

to vandalize = to damage st that is not yours, usually something public

noun = vandalism

You have to take individual responsibility.
You are responsible for yourself.

Yuichi Sugimoto, who has been reporting from conflict zones for 20 years, had his passport confiscated in February
Yuichi Sugimoto had his passport confiscated in February.
~を押収[没収]する = to confiscate
海が好きです。= I like the beach.
to beach sb/st = to go onto the beach
beached whale
浜に乗り上げたクジラ = beached whale
to fuel = to give power/energy to st

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Members Only 4月7日(火曜日)英会話 Live Lesson

Members Only 4月7日(火曜日)英会話 Live Lesson

I was ~ delayed.
I was unavoidably delayed.
He's unavoidably detained.

弱虫! What a wuss.

1 headline: Radiation from Fukushima disaster detected off Canada's coast

放射線 = radiation
a disaster = 天災、災難
to detect = to find
海岸 = coast

Phuket is an island located off the coast of Thailand.

= sb who has an obsession or addiction for st
Examples: alcoholic, workaholic, shopaholic, chocoholic

-cide = to kill
Ex: suicide, homicide, insecticide, pesticide, patricide, matricide

-cule = small, make small
Ex: molecule (分子), minuscule (tiny), ridicule
He ridiculed me.

-en = to make a word a verb
strong + en = strengthen
weak + en = weaken
short + en = shorten
light + en = lighten
wide + en = widen

Monday, April 6, 2015

Members Only 4月6日(月曜日)英会話 Live Lesson

I caught the tail-end of the hanami.
The hanami is winding down in Tokyo.
It’s still in full-bloom in Nagoya.

a suffix = ~に接尾辞をつける

2 headlines:
A. JAL plane aborts landing after car spotted on runway at Tokushima airport

1. to abort= a) to stop a pregnancy before the baby is born is born 中絶
b) to stop a mission
2. spotted = seen
to spot = to find or see

B. Knife-wielding man held over disturbance on Tokyo sidewalk
1. to wield = to hold st like a weapon
2. to hold sb = to keep them in a place, like a police station
to arrest = 逮捕する
3. a disturbance = 騒ぎ
They have arrested a man for brandishing a knife.
to brandish = to shake or wave, as a weapon
-ful and -less

1. Ouch! That was painful!
The operation was painless.

2. Thank you very much. I am so grateful / thankful.
X grateless
O thankless
Raising children is a thankless job for some mothers.

3. cheerful

4. Daredevil: The man without fear
He has no fear. He is fearless.

He is fearful.

5. Babies cannot do anything by themselves. They are helpless.


6. He has no house. He is homeless.
What's a suffix that means "can"?
-able / -ible

Many diseases are ~able.  = we can stop them
preventable disease
curable disease <—> incurable disease
treatable disease <—> untreatable disease
avoidable mistake <—> unavoidable mistake

I was unavoidably detained.

He's unavoidably detained. かれは何か避けがたいことで捕まっているそうです。

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Members Only 4月2日(木曜日)英会話 Live Lesson

1. misunderstand
There must have been some misunderstanding.

2. mistake
a) I made a mistake.
b) I mistook him for his brother.
I was mistaken for a Brazilian.

3. to misinform sb
Many Americans are misinformed about vaccines.
He is paranoid. He thinks everyone is against him.
Don’t be so paranoid. You’re being paranoid!
I believe in conspiracies. = I am conspiracy theorist.
must have 完了形

I wrote st. It was a mistake.
I miswrote his name.
I said st. It was a mistake.
I misspoke.
I spelled st. It was a mistake.
I misspelled his name.
un = not
mis = wrong
super = above
semi = half
sub = under
trans = move, go across
dis = not, opposite of
robe = put your clothes one
disrobe = take your clothes off
mono = uni = one
bi = two
tri = three
quad = four
anti = against
pro = for
pre = before
post = after
multi = many

a multilinguist = a polygot