Members Only 4月11日(土曜日)英会話 Live Lesson
footage = video
a scene = a mini story
a clip = video footage or a scene
a clip of a dog walking = footage
Run the clip. = Play the video.
deranged = really crazy
permanent residency
There are some conditions.
1. 5 years, 2. high school, 3. no jail = permanent residency
2 years in the military or 2 years in college/university = 6 year visa
to vandalize = to damage st that is not yours, usually something public
noun = vandalism
You have to take individual responsibility.
You are responsible for yourself.
Yuichi Sugimoto, who has been reporting from conflict zones for 20 years, had his passport confiscated in February
Yuichi Sugimoto had his passport confiscated in February.
~を押収[没収]する = to confiscate
海が好きです。= I like the beach.
to beach sb/st = to go onto the beach
beached whale
浜に乗り上げたクジラ = beached whale
to fuel = to give power/energy to st
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