Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Members Only 4月14日 英会話 Live Lesson

 Members Only 4月14日 英会話 Live Lesson



touch idioms:

1. to lose touch with sb:
I lost touch with her.

2. Stay in touch.  / Keep in touch.
= I hope you will continue to contact me from time to time.

3. I’ll be in touch.
I’ll be contacting you sometimes to give you news about this.

4. to get in touch with sb = to call or contact sb
I'm trying to get in touch with ~.

5. to touch base with someone: to talk to sb about st
Let’s touch base later. 後で相談しましょう。

6. Touch wood.
If I get the job all my problems will be over.
If I get the job — touch wood — all my problems will be over.

7. to touch a nerve = to do st that causes an emotional reaction

8. to hit a nerve = to say st that upset sb

9. I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole.

A: Would you like to have a date with Konishiki?
B: I wouldn’t touch him with a 10 foot pole.

10. to be out of touch
a) to no longer be in contact with sb
b) to no longer know about st

He used to know a lot about music but he's out of touch now.

President Bush is out of touch with the people.

11. The doctors said it's touch and go.
touch and go situation = dangerous situation


keep in touch, stay in touch, remain in touch

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