Monday, April 6, 2015

Members Only 4月6日(月曜日)英会話 Live Lesson

I caught the tail-end of the hanami.
The hanami is winding down in Tokyo.
It’s still in full-bloom in Nagoya.

a suffix = ~に接尾辞をつける

2 headlines:
A. JAL plane aborts landing after car spotted on runway at Tokushima airport

1. to abort= a) to stop a pregnancy before the baby is born is born 中絶
b) to stop a mission
2. spotted = seen
to spot = to find or see

B. Knife-wielding man held over disturbance on Tokyo sidewalk
1. to wield = to hold st like a weapon
2. to hold sb = to keep them in a place, like a police station
to arrest = 逮捕する
3. a disturbance = 騒ぎ
They have arrested a man for brandishing a knife.
to brandish = to shake or wave, as a weapon
-ful and -less

1. Ouch! That was painful!
The operation was painless.

2. Thank you very much. I am so grateful / thankful.
X grateless
O thankless
Raising children is a thankless job for some mothers.

3. cheerful

4. Daredevil: The man without fear
He has no fear. He is fearless.

He is fearful.

5. Babies cannot do anything by themselves. They are helpless.


6. He has no house. He is homeless.
What's a suffix that means "can"?
-able / -ible

Many diseases are ~able.  = we can stop them
preventable disease
curable disease <—> incurable disease
treatable disease <—> untreatable disease
avoidable mistake <—> unavoidable mistake

I was unavoidably detained.

He's unavoidably detained. かれは何か避けがたいことで捕まっているそうです。

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