Wednesday, May 31, 2017

(会員)5月31日(水曜日)English Live Lesson

(会員)5月31日(水曜日)English Live Lesson
Nico - May 31, 2017 Wed.
I guess you had to be there.

What are you thinking? 
What are you thinking about?

What is he thinking? 
What is he thinking about?

What was I thinking?! = Why did I do that strange thing?!

X What am I thinking about?

Can you guess what I'm thinking (about)?

You don't say? Oh really?

What do you think about my idea? = What do you say? 

….. to say the least.
B: He was angry to say the least.

It's like saying grace.

Needless to say, he was angry. = He was angry to say the least.

Could you say that again, please?

If you want me to do X, just say the word.

I’ll do X. Just say the word.

Say cheese!

You can say that again! 

(会員)5月30日(火曜日)English Live Lesson

(会員)5月30日(火曜日)English Live Lesson
Nico - May 30, 2017

say + words   
tell + person

Susan said: Mary is crazy!

Tom heard that.
Tom says to Mike:
Susan said Mary was crazy.

V: I am hungry.
You: Victor said he was hungry.
Victor said he is hungry.

Susan said to Mary, “You are crazy!”

Tom —> Mike: Susan said, “You are crazy!”

Susan said that Mary was crazy.

She is Japanese so I can’t tell her age.

A: Are you coming to the party? 
B: I can’t say.

A: Is Susan telling the truth?  
B: I can’t tell.

Bill —> Mike: Shut up!
Bill told Mike to shut up.
I told Mike to shut up.

I told you not to touch it!

I see.

I can tell you’re angry.
I can’t tell what he is thinking.

Your mouth says “no”, but your eyes say “yes”.

say = to give an opinion

A: How old is he?
B: I’d say he’s bout 30.

Let’s say…= used to introduce an example

Let’s say you’re walking down the street and you find a bag of money. What would/do you do?

A: Is he obese?
B: I wouldn’t go so far as to say he’s obese, but he is fat.

He is overweight. 
He is fat.
He could stand to lose a few pounds.

Monday, May 29, 2017

(公開)5月29日(月曜日)English Live Lesson

(公開)529日(月曜日)English Live Lesson

1. 日焼け
I got a suntan.   I got a sunburn. 
I got suntanned.   I got sunburned.

I got a sunburn. 
I got sunburned.

Did you get some sun?   
You look like you got some sun. 
I went to the zoo. 
X I went to a zoo. 

I went to the zoo. 

purpose > place

I went to a restaurant.

a) I went to a supermarket.    
b) I went to the supermarket. 

the bank, the convenience store, the post office, the supermarket

A saw a dog. The dog was black. 
Animal idioms. 
1. It was a zoo today at work. = crazy busy

2. A tiger never changes its stripes.  = A leopard cannot change his spots. = People don’t change. 

3. The/An 800 pound gorilla.  = a very powerful person/company/country.

4. The elephant in the room = the big topic that nobody wants to talk about 
I hate to bring up the elephant in the room, but how are you doing Susan? I mean you know with your divorce. 

5. Hold your horses. = Wait! Don’t act yet. 

6. Let sleeping dogs lie. = Don’t talk about past problems.

Friday, May 26, 2017

(会員)5月26日(金曜日)English Live Lesson

(会員)5月26日(金曜日)English Live Lesson
a) tell vs. say
1. say + st
a) He said hello.
b) He said, “Hello!”

Victor: “I am beautiful.”
Susan: Victor said …
Susan: Victor said (that) he was beautiful.
Victor said, “I am beautiful.”

What did you say? 
Wuja say?

2. tell + sb
Victor told me that he was beautiful.
Victor told me that he was tired.
Victor told me that he went to Kyoto last weekend.
Victor told me that he is going to America this summer!

X Can you teach me your name/telephone number/email address?
O Can you tell me your name/telephone number/email address?

What’s your name/telephone number/email address?

What did you say to him? = What did you tell him?

A: How old do you think I am?
B: I can’t tell.

A: How old is your mom?
B: I can’t say.

What do you say?
= どう?
What do you say to a beer?

A: Have you ever ~?   
B: Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.

A: Have you ever ~?   
B: I can’t say that I have. = I haven’t. 

2. He told her.
He told her that he was hungry.
He told her he was hungry.
He said he was hungry.

He told on me. = He tattled on me. = He tattletaled on me.
tell on【句動】(人)を密告する

(会員)5月19日(金曜日)English Live Lesson

(会員)5月19日(金曜日)English Live Lesson

May 19, 2017
Hello! Can you hear me?
1a. Your skin is as smooth as a baby’s bottom.
1b. as soft as a baby’s bottom.

2. It’s like stealing candy from a baby.

I bought this from John for only 500 yen. He wanted 1,000 yen, but I talked him down to 500 yen. It was like stealing candy from a  baby.

3. cry like a baby
When my girlfriend broke up with me, I cried like a baby.

4. baby boomer:
babies born after WW2

5. a cry-baby = someone who complains or cries easily

6. to be as weak as a baby:
Ex: After my operation I was as weak as a baby.

7. to sleep like a baby = to sleep like a log = to sleep like the dead

(会員)5月12日(金曜日)English Live Lesson

(会員)5月12日(金曜日)English Live Lesson
Nico - May 12, 2017
1. I can sleep in.

bus idioms:

2. to throw sb under the bus
= to avoid blame or punishment you find someone else to take responsibility
My company threw me under the bus.
My company made me the scapegoat.

2. He rides the short bus to school.

3. 下品な = vulgar, off color

Trump is getting a reputation as a liar.

4. He lied through his teeth. = He made an ob obvious lie.

5. That is a bold-faced lie. = That is a blatant lie.  = That is bold-faced lie. = That is a bare-faced lie.

6. He lies like a rug. = He is clearly lying.

7. I told her a small unimportant lie to make her feel better. = I told her a ~ ~.
I told her a white lie.

8. His story doesn't hold any water. = His story is unbelievable.

His story has no holes. = it believable

9. deception = 騙すこと
She is his beard. = She is his fake wife. He married her to make everyone think he is not gay. 

10. He’s in the closet. = He is secretly gay. 
He is a closet homosexual.
I am a closet AKB48 fan.

11. I’m almost fully recovered.

Friday, May 12, 2017

(会員)5月12日(金曜日)English Live Lesson

Nico - May 12, 2017
1. I can sleep in.

bus idioms:

2. to throw sb under the bus
= to avoid blame or punishment you find someone else to take responsibility
My company threw me under the bus.
My company made me the scapegoat.

2. He rides the short bus to school.

3. 下品な = vulgar, off color

Trump is getting a reputation as a liar.

4. He lied through his teeth. = He made an ob obvious lie.

5. That is a bold-faced lie. = That is a blatant lie.  = That is bold-faced lie. = That is a bare-faced lie.

6. He lies like a rug. = He is clearly lying.

7. I told her a small unimportant lie to make her feel better. = I told her a ~ ~.
I told her a white lie.

8. His story doesn't hold any water. = His story is unbelievable.

His story has no holes. = it believable

9. deception = 騙すこと
She is his beard. = She is his fake wife. He married her to make everyone think he is not gay. 

10. He’s in the closet. = He is secretly gay. 
He is a closet homosexual.
I am a closet AKB48 fan.

11. I’m almost fully recovered.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

(会員) Saturday Night Lesson 11pm - Mixed [Details]

(会員) Saturday Night Lesson 11pm - Mixed


Nico - May 6, 2016

buy idioms:
1. buy st = a) to pay money for st, b) to believe st

I don't buy that.   
I’d buy that.
Do you expect me to buy that?  = Do you expect me to believe that?, I don’t find that believable.

2. to buy sb st
Can I buy you dinner?
My parents bought me a birthday present.

3. to buy sb off = to bribe sb (bribe = 賄賂)
He bought off the police.
He paid off the police.

4. He bought it! = He died.
He bought the big one. 
He bought the farm.

To die, especially in combat; most likely from the idea that a dead soldier's death benefit would help pay off his family's mortgage.

5. Proverb: Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?

6. Proverb: Money can’t buy happiness.

Joke: Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you a yacht big enough to pull up right alongside it.

7. to buy st for a song = to buy st for a low price

8. to buy st to go = to get some take-out
I’m going to buy a pizza to go. =
I’m going to get a pizza to go.

9. to buy a round (of drinks)
I’ll get the first round, and you get the second round.

I’ll buy the first round, and you can get the next round.

to stockpile, to hoard, to buy up = 買いだめ

11. He bought it sight unseen.= He bought it without looking at it.

12. (Let the) buyer beware.

Friday, May 5, 2017

(会員) Friday Night Lesson 11pm - Mixed

    (会員) Friday Night Lesson 11pm - Mixed      
child idioms:
  1. a newborn = a baby that has just been born
  2. an infant = a baby
  3. a baby 
  4. a toddler = a child that has just started to walk
  5. a kid = a child
  6. a brat = a bad kid
  7. a tween = a girl ages about 9-14...too old for toys, but too young for boys.
  8. a pre-teen = a child that is below the age of 13.
  9. a teen/a teenager = 13-19 years old
  10. an embryo = a baby that has just been conceived (sperm has entered the egg)
  11. a love child = a child born out of a wedding
Ex: This hairy daruma looks like the love child of Darth Vadar and a raccoon.

12. ~ is child's play. = ~ is easy. 
Ex: Taking a photo with this camera is child's play. 

13. ~ is like stealing candy from a baby.  
~ is like taking candy from a baby.
Getting my wife to agree to let me go out with the boys was like taking candy from a baby. 
14. She is with child. = pregnant 

15. Proverb: The child is father to the man. 三つ子の魂百まで

Monday, May 1, 2017

(会員) Popular Japanese Expressions in ENGLISH!

(会員) Popular Japanese Expressions in ENGLISH!
Nico April 30, 2017

jaw dropping + noun
Jaws dropped when she walked onto the stage. 
to bare skin

1. 早く = already. 
Pattern: Sentence / order + already.
a) Let’s go.  < a) Let’s go already!
b) Shut up!  < b) Shut up already! 
c) Enough! < c) Enough already!

2. 雨降ってきそうだよ。= It looks like rain. 

 3. ぐすぐすする = to procrastinate
Don’t procrastinate. Stop procrastinating. 

4. ぐずぐずする
Stop dragging your feet!
Stop dawdling!
Stop wasting time!
Let's pick up the pace! 
I don’t have all day/week/month year! 
Some time today, please! 
Any time!  

5. しっかりして! Keep it together! / Pull yourself together! / Get ahold of yourself!

6. しっかりしている = to have a good head on one’s shoulders 
Ex: He has a good head on his shoulders. 
He is well-grounded.
He’s got his feet on the ground. 
He’s down to earth. 


(会員) ENGLISH LESSON! I am still sick.. but I'm back!

Saturday - April 29, 2017
1. the emperor's new clothes
ignorant = 無知
incompetent = sb who is very bad at their job
unfit = not suitable for st
2. He’s green. = He is new and inexperienced. 
3. He is green with envy. = jealous
4. He has a green thumb. = He is good at gardening. = He is good at growing plants. 
5. green = money
I need some more green. 
6. He is green around the gills.= He looks sick. 
Ex. Are you OK? You look a little green around the gills. 
7. Proverb: The grass is always greener on the other side (of the fence). = Other people's lives seem better than yours.

8. I lost my voice. = cannot speak 
9. ~ is a lost cause. = There is no chance for success. 
10. to lose it = to really lose one’s temper
Ex: He lost it!
11. to be at a loss for words 
Ex: I’m at a loss for words. = I don’t know what to say.
12. Get lost! Go away! Drop dead! 
13. There is no love lost between (A) and (B). = They do not get along. 

14. There is no time to lose! = We must hurry! 

(会員)2017年4月18日 (Tue) English Live Lesson

Nico April 18, 2017

I think I’m coming down with a cold. 
I’m psychologically tired.

to come across + adjective 

He came across well. 
My email came across a little crazy. 

I was waking in the shopping mall, and I came across an interesting clothing store. 

I came across an interesting newspaper article in the paper. 

I ran across an interesting newspaper article in the paper. 

I ran/bumped into my old girlfriend the other day. 
I ran/bumped into my old coworker at the mall. 
He came across as a very honest person. 

I stretched your days.
I stretch out the lesson. 
I stretched out the speech. 

Doctors try to prolong life. 

I have to call my mother, but I don’t to talk to her, so I am procrastinating calling her.  

There is no use prolonging the inevitable. 

It will happen sooner or later no matter what you do.

I have a party budget of $200, but I think I can stretch this budget if we serve cocktails instead of beer. 

to stretch the truth = to exaggerate

Trump often stretches the truth, and sometimes he simply lies.