Sunday Night, Dec. 24, 10pm! English lesson!
1. I ate too much.
X I too much ate.
I work too much.
You think too much.
Don’t drink too much.
He exercised too much.
2. O I am full/stuffed.
X I am too much.
X I am enough.
colloquial - 口語的な
I can’t eat another bite.
3. We exchanged presents.
We exchanged phone numbers.
We exchanged business cards.
We exchanged contact information.
We exchanged ideas.
4. トナカイ = reindeer
Santa traditionally has 8 reindeer that pull his sled.
Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blixen ... Rudolph
5. mistletoe
prickly = とげだらけの、針のある
6. artificial trees = fake trees
7. to trim a tree = to prepare it for Christmas
8. Santa Clause = Saint Nicholas = St. Nick = Father Christmas = Kris Kringel
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