Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Tuesday Night, Jan. 23, 2018, 11pm! English lesson!

Tuesday Night, Jan. 23, 2018, 11pm! English lesson!

A volcano erupted in Japan today.
volcano = 火山to,   
erupt = 噴火する
a casualty = a death or major injury

Headline: Japanese volcano erupts, raining rocks onto ski slope and triggering avalanche

ski slope = ゲレンデ
trigger = 引き起こす
avalanche = 雪崩

噴火 an eruption

Questions rained down on him.

I will rain bloody hell down on you!

sending a huge plume of black smoke into the sky.

a plume 〔鳥の〕大羽, 〔煙や水などの〕噴煙、水煙、水柱

to hurtle = to fly in an uncontrolled manner

“I had no idea what was going on.” = I was totally confused.

I got stuck in traffic.
I got stuck working late.
I got stuck talking to a customer.
Pattern: I got stuck verbing.
I got stuck with a customer.

Rocks also crashed through the roof of a rest house where about 100 skiers and snowboarders were sheltering.

to shelter in a place = to hide from danger

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