Monday, April 27, 2009

ニコニコ動画レッスン 4月27日

1. 4月末から5月の初めにゴールデンウィークがあります。
1. Golden Week is from the end of April until the beginning of May.

a) When are your days off?
When are you off?
When's your vacation from?

b) Do you have any plans for Golden Week?
Are you going anywhere over Golden Week?
What are you doing over Golden Week?

2. その週に祭日が集中しているのでゴールデンウィークと呼ばれています。
2. It's called Golden Week because there are many national holidays during the week.

3. 4月29日は昭和の日です。
April 29th is "Showwa no hi."

4. 昭和の日は昭和天皇の誕生日です。
4. Showa-no-hi is the birthday of the former Showa Emperor.

5. 5月3日は憲法記念日です。
5. May 3rd is Constitution Day.

a) The right to free speech is a constitutional right.
It is protected by our constitution.
It's a constitutional right.

6. 5月5日はこどもの日です。
May 5th is Children's Day.

Excuse me?
Pardon me?
What did you say?
Say again?
Could you say that again?
I missed that.
Could you repeat that?
One more time, please.
Please speak slower.
Please speak more slowly.
I don't understand.
I don't get it.
I don't know what you mean?
I'm afraid I don't understand.
I can't understand what you are saying.
I don't know that word.

I remember you.
I remember your name.

I memorized all the kanji.
I memorized the words of the song.
I memorized the lyrics.

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