Saturday, April 25, 2009

ニコニコ動画 Class, April 25, 2009

I found a translation of the Tsuyoshi Kusanagi Press Conference. I have included it here with notes from me to help you study English. Please watch the video and read the interview and notes.

The introductory explanation:
SMAP member and popular actor Tsuyoshi Kusanagi held a press conference in front of 300 reporters in regards to his arrest for public indecency when the talent who was drunk, ran naked under the influence of alcohol. He is currently suspended from any entertainment duties and his commercials have been taken off air. Here is an excerpt from Kusanagi’s press conference with the media:

to arrest sb=逮捕する
Do not say "talent". Say "celebrity"!
Other words for "drunk" are "intoxicated", "inebriated" (formal), "trashed"(slang for "super drunk"), "tipsy" (a little drunk.)
to be suspended=he is prohibited from doing something, in this case he is not allowed to work.
an excerpt=a piece of a book, article, story, or interview

Kusanagi: I would like to apologize to our fans, our shareholders and to each member of SMAP. I’m very sorry and I apologize for the inconvenience. Because I have drunk alot and exhibited embarrassing behavior as an adult, I am sorry. I am very sorry. Sorry.

to apologize=to say you are sorry
a shareholder=a person who has stocks in a company
an inconvenience=ご迷惑
to exhibit=to show

Reporter: How much do you drink?

Kusanagi: I drink alot and I didn’t decide how much to drink. Sometimes I drink fast when I go out drinking.

Reporter: You don’t remember how much exactly you drunk that night?

Kusanagi: Yes. When I was conscious, I was next to the police. I wasn’t sure what was a dream and what was reality. After waking up from sleeping, I recovered and realized that what I did was a disaster.

conscience: awake, not passed out or asleep from pain, being knocked out or drinking

*His lawyer told the media that Kusangi was under the impression that he was at home and thus took off his clothes. The park is located near his home. As for screaming Shingo! Shingo, the lawyer said that when he was drinking with fellow SMAP member Shingo Katori, he stripped down to his shorts but did not strip naked in public.

under the impression: to think st to be true
stripped down to his shorts: to take off all one's clothes but not shorts

Kusanagi also mentioned how his fellow SMAP members have warned him about too much drinking. Telling the media that they may have been thinking this may happen one day and he failed to respond to their warnings. He has talked to his fellow members since the incident and each have worried about his health and have gave him kind words.

I think this sentence does not sound natural. We do not say "kind words". I think a more natural translation would be, "Since the incident, he has talked to the other SMAP members. They were all very concerned about him and his health and have offered him words of support."

Reporter: What have you been thinking about?

Kusanagi: I have thought mostly about my fans. As for my co-workers and SMAP members, It was very embarrassing to apologize to everyone. I had always been aware of the fact that I am a member of SMAP and have to act properly, and that young children and elderly people support me, but I drank too much and that was my weakness.

"It was very embarrassing to apologize to everyone." is strange. This sentence means that he was embarrassed about apologizing, not about being drunk and naked.

Reporter: How will you deal with alcohol in the future?

Kusanagi: I don’t want to drink at all now. I can drink and have conversations while dining with friends and my best friends but I hope one day I can enjoy drinking as an adult.

What comment do you have for your Korean fans?

"What comment do you have for your Korean fans?" is not natural. A more common expression would be: "Is there anything you would like to say to your Korean fans?"

Kusanagi: I am sorry for the inconvenience to my fans outside of Japan. I am very sorry.

Reporter: Will you be working soon?

Kusanagi: I don’t know when I can restart my activities.

"I don’t know when I can restart my activities." is not natural. Instead, "I don't know when I'll be able to go (or "get") back to work."

Reporter: Do you want to work again?

Kusanagi: Yes.

Reporter: Many fans have given you words of support?

Kusanagi: I’m really, very happy for their warm words but I regret that I do not know when I will be back at work at this time. SMAP is now 4. It’s hard not to be part of the group but I must reflect on what I have done. I am very sorry to let my fans down and I hope the fans and even the members forgive me.

NOTE: I took this interview off this site:

I have changed the translation a little, added notes, and fixed basic spelling mistakes.

My video lesson on this subject:

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