Wednesday, April 29, 2009

ニコニコ動画レッスン 4月29日2009年

1. to swell up=はれる
2. swollen=はれている
3. I got hurt.
4. I hurt myself.
5. You hurt my feelings.
6. Ouch! That hurt!=痛い!
7. That looks painful. =痛そう
8. That's got to hurt./That's gotta hurt.=痛そう!
9. I was injured. (formal)
10. I got a black eye.
11. I broke my (nose/arm/etc.)
X--> I broke my arm bone.
12. I fractured my arm. (formal)
13. He suffered a skull fracture.
14. He suffered a hairline fracture to his facial bones.
15. a hairline fracture=〔髪の毛のように〕細いひび[亀裂{きれつ}]
16. I fell down.
17. I hit my face on the table.
18. I fell down and scraped my knee.
19. to scrape/skin st=~ をすりむく
20. ひざの皮を擦りむいた=My knees got skinned./I skinned my knees.
21. He punched me in the face.
22. I sprained my ankle.
23. I pulled a muscle.
24. to pull a muscle=筋を違える、肉離れを起こす
25. to pull a muscle in one's shoulder=肩に肉離れを起こす
26. I threw out my back./I threw my back out. = 背中を痛めた。/背中の筋を違えました。or ぎっくり腰

BONUS useful phrase: 無理しないで=Don't strain yourself., Don't over exert yourself.

Extra fun vocabulary
1. splatter=[動](他)〈水・泥などを〉はねかける, はねかけてぬらす[よごす].

2. gruesome=[形]恐ろしくて身震いするほどの, 身の毛もよだつ.

3. grisly=[形](-li・er, -li・est) 恐ろしい, ぞっとするような, 不気味な

4. gore=[名][U]((文))流血, (特に)凝固した血;(テレビ・映画の)流血シーン.
gory= a. ((略式))血生臭い;残虐な., b. ((文))血まみれの, 流血の., c. 血のり[凝血]のような., d. 不愉快な, いやな

Common set: gory details

Interesting observation:
gruesome + grisly = Grissom
Gil Grissom is the character from the often shocking TV show: CSI.
See this picture here:

The Kusanagi scandal has died down, so tomorrow we will be talking about the SWINE FLU! See you tomorrow!

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