Monday, October 12, 2009

Mixed Nico Nico Class Oct. 11, 2009

Obama ~ the Nobel Peace Prize!

Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize!
Do you think he d~ it?
I think he deserved it.
I don’t think he deserved it.
I don't know if he deserved it or not.
[Another/Other] person
should have gotten it.
Another person should
have gotten it.

My allergies are
acting up today.
My allergies are giving
me trouble today.
Do you have fall allergies.
I agree ~ the committee’s decision.
I disagree ~ with the committee’s decision.

I agree/disagree with you.

I was stunned at the decision.

I wonder how they decided ~ Obama?

to decide to verb
to decide on noun

TIME magazine said the Nobel
should go to Nuclear Weapons.
I decided ~ quit my job.
I decided ~ red.
red / redden
white / whiten
black / blacken
blue / make blue or color blue
X 大丈夫=bless you
Everyone must be out of town.

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