Thursday, October 8, 2009

Oct. 8, 2009

a) dirty
Your fingernails are nasty!
b) perverted
Stop being so nasty!
Your mind is in the gutter!
c) serious
He has a nasty cut on his arm.

to have one's mind in the gutter=to think of sexual things

He has a ~ track mind.
He has a one track mind.

Did you hear about ~?
Have you been following the ~ story?

That’s gross!
Grow up!
Act your age?
How old are you?

Have you heard about the new ~?


Anybody hurt?
Was anybody hurt?

Ibaragi 県=Ibaragi Prefecture


Have you been following the divorce story?

to dust: to clean

to dust st off and use it

I better dust off some of my old English books and study!

I need to dust off my guitar and practice.

I’m going to dust off my
snowboard and hit the slopes.

to hit st

He bit the dust.
=He died.

dry as dust = boring

Eat my dust!=Haha!
I am going faster than you!

I’m going to kick
your butt/ass.


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