Friday, October 15, 2010

Nico Nico Douga Learning Idioms-Oct. 15, 2010

1. to take up Ving=to begin doing st as a habit

He took up smoking/drinking.
He took up French/Spanish.
She took up the piano/guitar.
When I retire I’m going to take up calligraphy.

2. to pick up st=to learn natural

He picked up an Osakan accent.
She picked up a little
Spanish when she was in Spain.

3. to put in time verb-ing.

He puts in about an hour a day on the piano.
She puts in about an hour a day studying.

4. to get the knack of st=to learn the technique

I’m starting to get the knack of this.
I can’t seem to get the knack of .....

5. to get the hang of st

I’m finally getting the
hang of this computer.

6. to have a knack for st

She has a knack for languages.
He has a knack for getting in trouble.

7. to be a natural at st

She is a natural at English.
She’s a natural student.
She’s naturally good with kids.

8. to pull an all-nighter=to study all night

He pulled a few all nighters last week.

9. to burn the candle at both ends=to do 2 things at once,
like work AND school

10. to be on the tip of one’s tongue=to be almost able to remember st

It’s on the tip of my tongue.

11. to brush up on st=to review st that you used to know a lot about.

I want to brush up on my English before I go to Las Vegas next year.

12. to hit the books=to study

I need to hit the books.

13. to keep up with sb

I’m having trouble keeping up with everyone in my class.

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