1. to do st with no or little preparation. = I’m gonna ~ it.
2. I don't have very much money, but my computer broke down. = I'm just gonna have to bite the ~ and buy a new computer.
3. He quit smoking completely. He quit cold ~.
4. He killed his wife and then he walked down to the police station and ~ himself ~.
The police arrested him and put him in jail.
5. Another word for ban is?
6. I stole money from the company. I ~ money from the company.
7. He took the money and used it irresponsibly. He ~ funds.
8. He burned down his own house for the insurance money. He committed ~.
9. He committed insurance ~.
10. How do you say 詐欺 in English?
11. How do you say 詐欺師 in English?
12. Ichihashi sent a letter of apology to Hawker’s parents. How would you feel if you were her parents?
1. wing
2. bullet
3. turkey
4. turned / in
5. "prohibit" & "bar"
6. embezzle
7. misappropriate
8. arson
9. fraud.
10. a scam, a fraud, a con, a swindle
11. a scam artist, a scammer,a fraudster, a con artist, a swindler
12. If I were her parents I wouldn't want to get it.
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