Sunday, October 17, 2010

Nico Nico Video - Oct. 17, 2010 - Mixed Level: Learning Idioms

Nico Nico Video
Oct. 17, 2010
Mixed Level
Learning Idioms
The miners were rescued.
How long were the miners in the cave.
They were in the cave for 69 days.
Q. What do you call
69 day old constipation?
A. Chilean miners.

a bigot
They are outlawed.
The Nazi party is illegal.
Pedophiles are the worst.

to champion st = to defend it and
protect it and support it as a good thing

Freedom of Speech

Ishihara often says very controversial things.

Politicians are not hired.
They are elected.
So it’s very difficult to fire them.
controversial =

1. 彼のアイデア、初めは気に入らなかったけど、考えてみたらそんなに悪くないね。
At first I didn't like his idea, but on second thought it isn't so bad.

“at first” vs. “first" vs. “first of all”

“at first” = used with changes.
At first I didn’t like natto.=Now I do.
At first I didn’t like natto, but now I do.

“first”=used when describing steps
If you want to plan a party first make a list.

First, ~. Then, ~. After that ~.

“First of all”=used for giving reasons
A: Why don’t you buy a new car?
B: First of all, I don’t need a new car. Second of all, I don’t have the money.

A: Why don’t you buy a new car?
B: First of all, I don’t need a new car.
Second of all, I can't afford a new car.

2. ~に慣れる、~になじむ
to get used to st
I’m still not used to ~.
I finally got used to ~.
I can never get used to ~.
I finally got used to ~.

Cool expression:
I could get used to this.
(This is nice!)

3. 考えさせてください。
Let me think about it.
Let me think it over.
Let me think on it.
Let me sleep on it.

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