Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Nico Nico Douga - Oct. 13, 2010, Beginner-Language Learning

Learning Expressions:


2. 今、英語を勉強しています。


4. この言葉の発音を教えてください。

5. この単語の綴り/スペルを教えてください。

6. 文法は苦手です。

7. (自分の)英語を上達させたいです。

8. 英語がペラペラに話せるようになりたいです。

9. (あなたは)言葉の使い方が上手です。

10. もっと英語の練習が必要です。

11. もっと文法の練習が必要です。

12. リスンイング練習がたりない。

1.My English is bad.
I can't speak English very well.
I don't speak English very well.
My English is not very good.
I am not a good speaker of English.

2. I'm studying English now.
I’m taking English language classes now.
I'm going to an ESL school.
ESL=English as a Second Language

3. I haven't done my homework yet.

4. How do you say this word?
Can you tell me how to pronounce this word?
What's the pronunciation of this word?

5. How do you spell this word?

6. I am bad at grammar.
I’m not good at grammar.

Grammar is not my strong point.
Grammar is my weakness.

Slang: I suck at grammar.
My grammar sucks.

7. I want to improve my English.
I want to improve my ~.
I want to be a better English speaker.

8. I want to become fluent in English.
I want to speak English fluently.
I want to learn to speak English fluently.

9. You're good with words.
You're very good at using words.
You're very eloquent.

10. I need to practice English more.
I need to 動詞 more.
I need more 名詞.

11. I need more practice with grammar.

12. I need more listening practice.

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