Friday, May 13, 2011

May 13, 20011 - Mixed Class

May 13, 20011 - Mixed Class
It’s a superstition.
Are you superstitious?
a fortune teller=占い

It’s bad luck to open an umbrella indoors.
It’s bad luck to break a mirror.
If you break a mirror you’ll get 7 years bad luck.
It’s bad luck to walk under a ladder.
It’s bad luck to spill salt.
It’s bad luck if a black cat crosses your path.
It’s bad luck to step on a crack. You’ll break your mother’s back.
It's bad to cut your fingernails or toenails at night.
It's bad to whistle at night.
You have to hide your thumbs if you see a caterpillar.
You have to hide your thumbs if you see a hearse.
Children will wet the bed if they play with fire.

I am confident.
I have confidence.
I am confident that I can do it.
I am not confident that I can do it.
He (verbs) with confidence.
He [talks/walks/speaks] with confidence.
He sings with confidence.
He carries himself with confidence.
She carries herself with confidence.
He has an air of confidence about him.
He exudes confidence.
exude an aura of confidence=自信のオーラを発散する
He projects confidence.
to carry oneself
carry oneself with confidence

He projects negativity.
~ を投影する
~ を与える

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