Thursday, May 26, 2011

ニコニコ動画 Notes for May 23, 2011

May 23, 2011
復習! Review!
1. 楽しかった?
Was it fun?
Did you enjoy yourself?
Did you enjoy the party?
Did you enjoy the movie?
Did you have a good time?
Did you have fun?
Was it fun?

Q: How have you been?
A1: I've been fine/good/great.
A2: I've been busy/tired/sick.
A3: Surviving.
A4: Not bad. How about you?

3. How about you?
=What about you?
=And you?
=And yourself?

Funny meanings to easy words
4. to rip
彼はムキムキです。=He is ripped.
彼は酔っぱらっている。=He is ripped.
それは高すぎる.=That's a rip-off.
彼は(一回)おならした。=He let one rip.
彼は私から(お金)搾り取った.=He ripped me off.

Time for more.... 復習! Review!

5. 今日は土砂降りでした。
It rained hard today.
It rained like cats and dogs today.
It (really) poured today.
It (really) came down today.
There was a downpour today.

6. I don't have a job. = I'm ~ of work.
6. I don't have a job. = I'm out of work.
7. I don't have a job. = I'm out of work.=I’m in ~ jobs.

8. I'm sick.=I'm a little ~ the weather.

9. I have too much work to do.
=I’m swamped.
=I'm ~ to my neck in work.
=I'm drowning.

10. I am so busy I cannot do it.
=This is too much for me.
=I’m in over my ~.
=I bit off more than I can chew.

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