Thursday, May 26, 2011

ニコニコ動画 Notes for May 19, 2011

May 19, 2011
Pop to it! = Do it!
Do theymake these anymore?
1. 都 =the capital
What’s the capital of Russia?
Moscow is the capital.

2. 交通 = traffic
a traffic accident

3. 党 = a political party

4. 何人様ですか?
How many in your party?

5. 陰=shade/shadow
She lived in the ~ of her famous sister.

He used to be a great man.
He's a ~ of what he used to be.
He's a shadow of his former self.
It’s really hot – even in the ~.

It’s really hot – even in the shade.

5. He runs a shady business.怪しい仕事している。

6 旨味 = taste / flavor

7. 美味しい
It‘s good!
It‘s delicious!
It‘s yummy!
It tastes good!

8. 甘党= I love sweets. / I have a sweet tooth.
<-->I like spicy food.

9. 公私混同するな。
Don't mix your public and private life.
Don’t shit where you eat.

10. a love child = a baby born outside a marriage

11. The apple falls far from the tree.=The child does not act like the father/mother.

12. The apple does not fall far from the tree.=The child resembles the parent.

13. I mixed up A and B.

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