Monday, May 16, 2011

May 16, 2011 - 初級 Random English

May 16, 2011
Random Lesson
1. Help me! = Can you give me a ~?
2. Animals don't have hands. They have ~.
3. A cat makes this noise ~.
4. He's great! = He's the cat's ~.
5. He's great! = He's the bee's ~.
6. He’s a man with a ~.
7. He’s a fat ~.
8. His voice sounds rough. = His voice sounds ~.
9. 「文句」は英語では?
10. He says he saw an alien. = He ~ he saw an alien.
FORMAL: 11. He filed a claim against the airline.
to file a claim: 正式に苦情を訴える[提出する]、苦情[請求・要求]を申し立てる
12. からかう-->いじめる
I teased him. / I made fun of him. / I made a fool out of him. / I bullied him.
13. 4 ways to say 「楽しかった?」
14. 虫歯=?
15. 親知らず=?
16. 臼歯=?
17. 歯矯正=?

1. Help me! = Can you give me a hand?,
Can I give you a hand?
2. Animals don't have hands. They have paws.
He was pawing the books.
3. meow,
4a. He's great! = He's the cat's pajamas.
4b. He's great! = He's the cat's meow.

5. knees,
6. plan,
7. cat
8. hoarse,
9. complain,
10. claims,
13. Did you have a good time?
Did you enjoy yourself?
Did you have fun?
Was it fun?,
14. a cavity,
16. a wisdom tooth,
I had my wisdom teeth taken out.
I had my wisdom teeth removed.
I had my wisdom teeth pulled.
17. a molar,
18. braces
I had a tooth pulled.
I have a toothache.
I skimmed the paper.
I scanned the paper.
I flipped through it.
I checked the paper.

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