Wednesday, March 21, 2012

(会員) 3月21日 Talking about pain 痛い - mixed

(会員) 3月21日 Talking about pain 痛い - mixed

(会員) 3月21日 Talking about pain 痛い - mixed
1. My ~ hurts.
My head hurts. My finger hurts. My stomach hurts.
My eyes itch.
I burnt/burned my tongue.
I burned my skin.
I got a sunburn.

2. I'm in pain.
It's a pain in the neck. (not actually painful)
Are you in pain? (Good question!)

A: I have morning sickness.
B: Oh, are you in pain?

3. I feel pain.
I feel a pain in my ~.
I feel a dull pain in my ~.
I feel a slight pain in my ~.
I feel a sharp pain in my ~.

I felt a sharp pain in my side.
I felt like someone stabbed me.
Related: I have cramps.

I feel like I want to throw up.

4. I have pain in my ~.

5. I went to great pains to VERB.
He went to great pains to get me a job.

6. ache:
BETH'S aches!
I have a backache.
I have an earache.
I have a toothache.
I have a headache.
I have a stomach ache.

ALSO: My ~ aches. (Any body part OK!)

7. What sound do we make when we feel pain?

8. What sound do we make when we think something is gross?

High level words for pain is:
9. excruciating: I broke my leg. It was excruciating.

10. agonizing: Waiting to hear if she survived the operation was just agonizing.
to agonize over st = to really suffer psychologically

I was agonizing over what to do.
Waiting to hear if he survived the operation was just agonizing.

My muscles are sore.

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