Monday, March 12, 2012

March 12, 2012: Memories - Mixed Level

Watch the video and read along!
March 12, 2012: Memories - Mixed Level

1. I forgot.
I forgot to turn off the light(s).
Pattern: I forgot to VERB.

I forgot my keys at home.
I forgot NOUN.

I forgot she was married.
I forgot that she was married.
I forgot (that) + SENTENCE.

2. I can't remember.
I can't remember his name.
I can't remember + NOUN.
I can never seem to remember my mother's birthday.
I can't seem to remember to take out the garbage on Wednesdays

3. I don't recall.
Witness: I don't recall.
to testify:証言する
I seem to recall that ...
I seem to recall that you said you were not going to drink any more beer.

4. I vaguely remember something about that.
vague 曖昧

5. I vividly remember his face.
I clearly remember his face.
His face is tattooed on my brain.

6. I learned it by heart.
I know it by heart.

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