Tuesday, May 7, 2013

(会員)2013年5月07日(火曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスンMixed lesson for Mixed Levels

(会員)2013507日(火曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスンMixed lesson for Mixed Levels

If you make an error, you've made a "mistake."

If you spell something wrong, you've "misspelled" it.

If you don't understand something correctly, you've "misunderstood" it.

I must have misunderstood.

You must have misunderstood.

If you read something incorrectly you "misread" it.

If you don't trust someone you "mistrust" them.

If you say something you didnt mean to say, you have "mispoken".

"Mislead" is to say something to make someone believe something that is not true. 

I'm sorry if I mislead you.

If you hate women you are a "misogynist".

gynecologist 婦人科医

If you hate all people, you are a "misanthrope".

Anthropology 人類学

Another word for a freak is a "misfit".

If you pull the trigger, but no bullet comes out,  you have "misfired".


Look at you! You haven't aged a day.

Look at you! You look as young as ever.

Look at you! You look younger than ever.

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