Monday, May 13, 2013

(公開)2013年5月13日(月曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン初級 -TOEIC Vocabulary

(公開)2013513日(月曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン初級 -TOEIC Vocabulary

ability = 才能
He does not have much musical ability.

absent = 欠席
He was absent from school.

get = obtain = acquire = 手に入る
Where did you obtain/get/acquire that information.
He obtained a license.

He took a test/exam.

adjust = 調整する
He adjusted the temperature.
I ate too much so I had to adjust my pants.
You have to adjust your attitude.

above =より上に

Please keep me abreast of the situation.  この件に関して進展を知らせてください。
a situation =状況
keep abreast of~に後れを取らない

yet = まだ (2)
I have not eaten dinner yet.
I don't know yet.
I have yet to eat dinner.
I have not eaten dinner yet.= I have yet to eat dinner.

have yet toまだ~していない
I have yet to see Kyushu.

yet = but
She makes me so angry, yet I love her.

義理 = obligation, duty
義理の = obligatory
obligatory chocolate
仕事 = occupation
What is your occupation?
= residence
What is your country of residence?
意見 = opinion, view, take
What do you think about ....?
What is your opinion about .....?
What is your take on ....?

注文 = order (noun/verb)
Waitress: Are you ready to order?
The waitress took my order.

外の = outside / external <--> inside / internal

持ち主= owner

諸経費、間接費 = overhead

Let's go outside.

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