Monday, June 24, 2013

(会員)2013年6月24日(月曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン WEIRD & FUN English!

(会員)2013年6月24日(月曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン WEIRD & FUN English!

1. gobbledygook = 訳の分からない言葉

It's all Greek to me.

2. chicken scratch = st very badly written

3. mumbo jumbo = 専門用語
I can't understand tha legal mumbo jumbo.
I can't understand tha medical mumbo jumbo.

4. to gobble up = to eat up quickly

5. to guzzle = to drink quickly

6. a goon = a big tough dumb guy
Like a dumb henchman.

7. flatulence = gas ガスがたまること、鼓腸
He farted.
He broke wind.
He cut the cheese.
Who cut the cheese?
He ripped one.
symptom 症状

8. the rat race 激しい出世競争
It's a rat race.
I want to get out of the rat race.
It's a dog eat dog world.=Life is very competitive.
The stock market is dog eat dog.

9. a fuddy-duddy = an old fashioned conservative person
a prude = an old fashioned conservative person
Don't be a fuddy-duddy!
Don't be such a prude!

10. cockamamie = つまらない、価値のない、無意味な, ridiculous, pointless, or nonsensical
What gave you that cockamamie idea?

11. a klutz = someone who is very clumsy
I am such a klutz!

He is all thumbs.

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