Thursday, August 29, 2013

(会員) Thursday 2013年8月29日: Dangerous Stand up comedy -

(会員) Thursday 2013年8月29日: Dangerous Stand up comedy -

Louis CK - One Night Stand [FULL SHOW]

That's cool! = That's good. I agree. No problem.

I mostly just go out with my daughter.

I mostly stay home and watch movies.

They have these no drinking signs at the park.

It doesn't say "No drinking!"

What does the sign say?

What does the paper say?

What does the TV say?       

It has a picture of like a martini glass with a line through it.

Are those really the people causing the problems with the drinking in the park.
Are they reaching their target audience with a martini glass, really?

Shouldn't it be a bottle in a brown bag with a line through it.

Do we see people in the park at 4 in the morning, HEY MUTHAFUCKA?

I try to go to movies but movies are all shit now.

It's like they have his machine that just makes shit.

I rented that movie where they beat the shit out of Jesus for a couple of hours.
A beat the shit out of B.

X beat up Y.
X beat the Hell out of Y.
X beat Y's ass.
X kicked Y's ass.
X beat the shit out of Y.

Did he key somebody's Camarro? What did the guy do?

He keyed my car.

Look I didn't like the Jesus movie. I thought it was a shitty movie.

What! He's not in it!

People get offended when you tell them that.

It's like you're saying something wrong.

The movie sucked.
What? He's not in it!

Who gives a shit!

I don't give a shit!

Like Jesus cares about Mel Gibson's movie.


Like I know.

Like I know. = I don't know.

Jesus doesn't care about that movie. = Like Jesus cares about that movie.

2:22 min.

(会員) Monday and Tuesday 2013年8月26日 and 27日: Mixed - TEST TIME! Part 1 & 2

(会員) Monday (Not Thursday) 2013年8月26: Mixed - TEST TIME!
(会員) Tuesday 2013年8月27日: Mixed - TEST TIME! Part 2

1. What time are you supposed ~ leave?

2. I'm supposed to be at work ~ 9am.

3. How was I supposed ~ know?

4. I don't ~ you have $100 you could lend me?

5. I'm not happy with my situation. It's time ~ a change.

6. That's exactly ~ I need!

7. Thank you ~ everything.

8. I have to leave ~ a few minutes.

9. By what time to you have ~ be at work tomorrow?

10. What do you want ~ me?
11. I'm sorry I said that. I ~ it back.

12.  That's life. = That's the way the ~ crumbles.

13. That's life. = That's the way the ~ bounces.

14. How are you? = How's it ~?

15. He is so cheap/stingy. = He is a penny ~.

16. He is ボートしている。=He is out to ~.

17. You are too nosey. = Get a ~.                      

18. Please tell me the truth. = Give it to me ~.

19. Let's celebrate. = Let's paint the town ~.

20. I'm so happy, I could =.

21. The ~ are on but nobody’s home.

22. I'm never going to do that. = I'll do that when ~ fly.
When Hell freezes over. = When pigs fly.

Speaking of pigs...
23. I ate too much. = I ~ out.

The smallest in a group is called a runt.
I'm sweating like a pig.
He squealed like a stuck pig.
She wore her hair in pigtails.

24. Shut up! = Put a ~ in it!

25. He can drink a lot. = He drinks like a ~.
1. to, 2. at/by, 3. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

(会員) Sunday 2013年8月25日: Mixed - Talking about growing up

(会員) Sunday 2013年8月25: Mixed - Talking about growing up

1. "childish" vs. "childlike" 
a) "childish" is negative. 子供ぽい 
b) "childlike"  is positive. 子供みたい

2. immature vs. mature 
This wine is still a little immature. It needs more time to mature.
The economy is still immature.

3. juvenile = like a 14-year old boy
He has a juvenile sense of humor. 
He likes fart jokes. 
He likes penis and boobie jokes. 
He is a juvenile. (noun) = He is a young man.
He has a juvenile sense of humor. (childish)

4. Act your age. 
Act your age, not your shoe size.

5. How old are you? 

6. Grow up! 

7. His shoe size is bigger than his IQ. 

Sometimes I think your shoe size is bigger than your IQ.

8. How old are you? = What's your age? 

How much do you weigh? = What do you weigh? = What's your weight?

9. ~ish 
A: :How old is he? 
B: I don't know. 35ish?

10. He is in his early 20s / mid 20s / late 20s.
He is his early 20s.   He is in his early 20's.

11. He can't be a day over 35. 

12. He can't be a day under 35.

(会員) Thurs 2013年8月22日: 初級 Daily Idioms

(会員) Thurs 2013年8月22: 初級 Daily Idioms

I have been uploading daily videos.
Have you seen any of those videos yet? 
I haven't had the chance yet. 
get the chance to = get to 
I was so busy, I didn't get to have lunch today. 
I really wanted to see that movie, but I didn't get to see it. 
I really wanted to see him, but I didn't get to. 
I woke up at 6am. I got up at 6am. 
Wake up! = Accept the truth! Stop lying to yourself! 
Wake up and smell the coffee!
I'm having a bad hair day. 
I'd like to have you over for dinner. = I would like you to come to my house and eat dinner.

He's out to lunch. = He's a little spacey. ぼけている
a) 昼食で外出中で, b) spacey

You need to take a cold shower. = Calm down!
Did you see the dress she was wearing? I think I'd better go and take a cold shower!
I had better = I better = したほうがいい
It's on me. 
I've got this. / I got this. = When the check comes.
It's my treat. = (Australia English only) I'll shout you. 
I'll shout you a beer.
Coffee is on me.  
This round is on me.  
The movie is on me. 
I'll tell you what. You get the movie, and I'll get dinner. 
A: Wanna go out tonight? 
B: Rain check. 
I'd better take a rain check. 
I'm gonna take a rain check. 
Give me a rain check?
Can you give me a rain check?
I'll take a rain check. 
I'll take a rain check on that beer.
I better hit the sack. 
I've got an early start tomorrow. 
I've got a big day tomorrow. 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

(会員) Sunday 2013年8月18日ー Random Levels, Random Topics

(会員) Sunday 2013年8月18日ー Random Levels, Random Topics

Pre-lesson conversation:
Today was another blistering hot day in Japan.
a blister = 水ぶくれ

My dog, Maggie, really suffers in this heat.

She has trouble breathing when it's too hot.
SB has trouble Ving.
I have trouble remembering kanji.
I have trouble losing weight.
I have trouble with money.
I have trouble with my weight.
This is a little vague. あいまい
1. family
a) How many people are in your family?

b) Your name sounds familiar.
Your face looks familiar.
You look familiar.
Something about this place feels familiar.
This place seems familiar.

c) to be too familiar = なれなれしい
He was a bit too familiar with me.

d) He is a very very good friend. = He's like family.= He is family.
Maggie is like family., Maggie is part of my family., Maggie is family.

A: Why don't you join us for dinner?
B: Oh, no. I wouldn't want to intrude.
A: Don't be silly! You're family.
2. to draw
a) I like drawing.
I'm good at drawing.
She drew a picture of her family.

b) Would you like me to draw your bath?
to draw a bath = to draw water for a bath = お風呂に水を入れる
c) to draw = to attract
Tokyo Disney Land draws millions of people from all over the world every year.
to draw a large crowd = 大勢の人を引き寄せる
That actor can pull.
a draw = st/sb that attracts
Nomo was a big draw for the LA Dodgers.
I don't follow baseball.

d) to draw near = to come closer, だんだんと近づく
He drew near to me.
The end of summer is drawing near.
3. indeed = 実に、本当に、確かに、いかにも、実際に
a) Indeed? = Really? そうですか?
b) He is a great man indeed. = He is indeed a great man.
c) That is indeed the biggest goldfish I've ever seen.

4. rank = a) to list someone in order, b) the job level of somone in the police force or military , c) adjective for something that smell bads
a) Helsinki is ranked the most expensive in the world.
That restaurant is ranked as one of the best in the city.
You don't even rank.

He is ranked number 1 in the world.
b) He outranks you. He is a general's rank. He hold the rank of general.
c) That clothes smells rank! = That clothes reeks! = That clothes stinks! = That clothes smells!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

(公開) Thurs. 木曜日 Aug. 15 - 初級 - 上級: Yasukuni & Remembering the War

1. 戦争 war
They ~ a war against Tasmoglia.
(A) waged a war against (B).
2. 戦闘 battle
He is battling cancer.
3. army
An army of GROUP.
An army of housewives.
4. 兵士/軍人 a soldier
I am a soldier in God's army.
5. 内戦 civil war
6. 戦争を宣言する = to declare war
Germany ~ war on England.
7. 入隊する = to enlist in the army
8. 同盟国 = an ally 
9. いじめっ子 = a bully
Do you think the USA is a bully?
10. いじめる = to bully
He bullied me into doing that. 
11.~のために立ち向かう/味方をする = to stand up for sb
You should stand up for yourself! Don't let him bully you.
He stood up for me at the meeting.
12. 条約 = a treaty
The USA and Japan signed a treaty.
13. 休戦 a truce
The USA and Japan signed a truce.
14. 黙とう a silent prayer, a moment of silence
Today we observed a moment of silence to remember the dead.
15. 二国間協定 = a treaty between 2 countries, a bilateral treaty
16. 個人として靖国神社に参拝する Visit Yasukuni Shrine as a private citizen
17. 靖国神社を公式参拝する Visit Yasukuni Shrine in an official capacity
18. 深い反省を示す to express remorse 

(会員) Monday Aug. 12 - 中級 - 上級: Sophisticated Expressions.

(会員) Monday Aug. 12 - 中級 - 上級: Sophisticated Expressions.

Sophisticated English:

1. I have a bad headache. = I have a ~.

2. I love Japanese food. = I love Japanese ~.

3. I can't poop. = I am ~.

4. We are having a party.  = We are having a ~.

5. We are having a small party. = We are having a ~.

6. We are having a big party. = We are having a ~.

7. I am thankful. = I am ~.

8. He is very religious. = He is ~.

9. She is the kind of person who wants revenge. = She is ~.  She is ~.

10. She talks a lot. = She is ~.

11. You should clean that wound. = You should ~ that would.

12. He is easily fooled. = He is ~.

13. She does things without preparation. = She is ~.

14. He betrayed her. = He is a ~.

15. He does not hold a grudge. = He is very ~.

16. She is not an adult yet. = She is still a ~.

17. Thanks! I owe you! = I'm ~ to you!

18. She is a hooker. = She is a ~ of the ~.

19. She is a beautiful but dangerous woman. = She is a ~  ~  .

 20. That movie made a lot of money. = That movie was a ~.


1. migraine
2. cuisine
3. constipated <--> diarrhea
4. wing-ding
5. get together
6. gala
7. grateful
8. devout
9. vindictive / vengeful
10. talkative
She is talkative. / She is a chatterbox.
11. disinfect / sterilize
12. gullible
13. spontaneous
14. He is a traitor / a Judas / a Benedict Arnold.
15. forgiving
16. a minor
17. indebted
18. lady / evening
19. a femme fatale
20. blockbuster

Thursday, August 8, 2013

(会員) MIXED CLASS! Random Class!

1. I am as sick as a dog. = I am very sick.

2. I work like a dog. = I work very hard.

3. I slept very well. = I slept like a ~. 
3. I slept very well. = I slept like a baby.
3. I slept very well. = I slept like a log.  

4. 時差ぼけ
I am jetlagged. I have jetlag. 

5. a) Call me if you have any questions. 
b) Call me if you should have any questions. 

b) is more sophisticated

6. a) Call me if you have any questions. 
= b) Call me should you have any questions.

7. I drove / took my dog to my mom's house.
I drove to school / work. 

8. We could use a little help. = Please help me.,  I would be happy if you helped me., How about some help? 

9. 彼がキレた。
He snapped. / He lost it. / He lost his temper. / He flipped out. / He went ballistic. / He went postal. / He went ape shit.

He is in good shape. 
He has a nice body. 
She has a nice figure. 
She is well built.
He is well built. 
Your hearing is in good shape. 
Your grammar is in good shape. 
He/She is muscular.
He is pretty defined.
He is really cut. 
He is pretty buff.
He is ripped. 
He has a well-developed sense of taste. 
He has a well-developed sense of smell. 
He has well-developed arms/legs. 

Hawks have well-developed eyesight. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

(会員) 中級-上級: Vocabulary / Idiom Boost from the NEWS!

-->(会員)中級-上級:Vocabulary / Idiom Boost from the NEWS!

Today marks the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima.
a monument
to commemorate st
to observe a moment of silence

Ex: Tuesday marks the 68th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing of Hiroshima.

They held a vigil for peace.

to advocate <--> to oppose
I can't advocate the death penalty.
The mayor advocates a nuclear-free Japan.

擁護者、支持 = an advocate

He is an advocate of a nuclear free Japan.

Hiroshima mayor skeptical of Abe atomic arms vow

a vow = a promise

 an arm = a weapon

skeptical = 疑っている、疑的な、疑い深

I'm skeptical of his claims.

a controversy = a controversy

a celebrity chef = Paula Deen

She was accused of saying the N-word.

Paula Deen said "nigger".

Paula Deen said "nigger." = Paula Deen said the n-word.

the f-word = fuck

Child: Ms. Dunkin! Joey said the f-word.

She lost many endorsement deals.

Monday, August 5, 2013

(会員) I'm back! MIXED CLASS! Talking about vacations!

Face to face: Hello stranger! = Long time no see!

It's raining really really right now.
It's storming out.

It's coming down in buckets!
It's really coming down!

Q: Where did you go?
A: I went to Switzerland and England.

Q: Where in Switzerland?              
A: I went to Zurich, Basel, Bearn, Arau, Ticino, Lugano, and some other small towns.

Q: Where in England (did you go)?           
A: I went to London and Brighton.

Switzerland was very scenic.

X The scenery was scenic .
The scenery was breathtaking!
The scenery was striking.
The scenery was panoramic.
The scenery was spectacular.
The scenery was impressive.
The scenery was beyond words.
The scenery was beyond description.
The scenery was just WOW!

This plant is carnivorous.

carnivorous = vegetarian

Humans eat both meat and vegetables. We are omnivorous.

This is the power plant.

hydraulic power plant

a selfie

He took a selfie.