Sunday, August 18, 2013

(会員) Sunday 2013年8月18日ー Random Levels, Random Topics

(会員) Sunday 2013年8月18日ー Random Levels, Random Topics

Pre-lesson conversation:
Today was another blistering hot day in Japan.
a blister = 水ぶくれ

My dog, Maggie, really suffers in this heat.

She has trouble breathing when it's too hot.
SB has trouble Ving.
I have trouble remembering kanji.
I have trouble losing weight.
I have trouble with money.
I have trouble with my weight.
This is a little vague. あいまい
1. family
a) How many people are in your family?

b) Your name sounds familiar.
Your face looks familiar.
You look familiar.
Something about this place feels familiar.
This place seems familiar.

c) to be too familiar = なれなれしい
He was a bit too familiar with me.

d) He is a very very good friend. = He's like family.= He is family.
Maggie is like family., Maggie is part of my family., Maggie is family.

A: Why don't you join us for dinner?
B: Oh, no. I wouldn't want to intrude.
A: Don't be silly! You're family.
2. to draw
a) I like drawing.
I'm good at drawing.
She drew a picture of her family.

b) Would you like me to draw your bath?
to draw a bath = to draw water for a bath = お風呂に水を入れる
c) to draw = to attract
Tokyo Disney Land draws millions of people from all over the world every year.
to draw a large crowd = 大勢の人を引き寄せる
That actor can pull.
a draw = st/sb that attracts
Nomo was a big draw for the LA Dodgers.
I don't follow baseball.

d) to draw near = to come closer, だんだんと近づく
He drew near to me.
The end of summer is drawing near.
3. indeed = 実に、本当に、確かに、いかにも、実際に
a) Indeed? = Really? そうですか?
b) He is a great man indeed. = He is indeed a great man.
c) That is indeed the biggest goldfish I've ever seen.

4. rank = a) to list someone in order, b) the job level of somone in the police force or military , c) adjective for something that smell bads
a) Helsinki is ranked the most expensive in the world.
That restaurant is ranked as one of the best in the city.
You don't even rank.

He is ranked number 1 in the world.
b) He outranks you. He is a general's rank. He hold the rank of general.
c) That clothes smells rank! = That clothes reeks! = That clothes stinks! = That clothes smells!

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