Tuesday, August 6, 2013

(会員) 中級-上級: Vocabulary / Idiom Boost from the NEWS!

-->(会員)中級-上級:Vocabulary / Idiom Boost from the NEWS!

Today marks the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima.
a monument
to commemorate st
to observe a moment of silence

Ex: Tuesday marks the 68th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing of Hiroshima.

They held a vigil for peace.

to advocate <--> to oppose
I can't advocate the death penalty.
The mayor advocates a nuclear-free Japan.

擁護者、支持 = an advocate

He is an advocate of a nuclear free Japan.

Hiroshima mayor skeptical of Abe atomic arms vow

a vow = a promise

 an arm = a weapon

skeptical = 疑っている、疑的な、疑い深

I'm skeptical of his claims.

a controversy = a controversy

a celebrity chef = Paula Deen

She was accused of saying the N-word.

Paula Deen said "nigger".

Paula Deen said "nigger." = Paula Deen said the n-word.

the f-word = fuck

Child: Ms. Dunkin! Joey said the f-word.

She lost many endorsement deals.

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