Thursday, August 15, 2013

(公開) Thurs. 木曜日 Aug. 15 - 初級 - 上級: Yasukuni & Remembering the War

1. 戦争 war
They ~ a war against Tasmoglia.
(A) waged a war against (B).
2. 戦闘 battle
He is battling cancer.
3. army
An army of GROUP.
An army of housewives.
4. 兵士/軍人 a soldier
I am a soldier in God's army.
5. 内戦 civil war
6. 戦争を宣言する = to declare war
Germany ~ war on England.
7. 入隊する = to enlist in the army
8. 同盟国 = an ally 
9. いじめっ子 = a bully
Do you think the USA is a bully?
10. いじめる = to bully
He bullied me into doing that. 
11.~のために立ち向かう/味方をする = to stand up for sb
You should stand up for yourself! Don't let him bully you.
He stood up for me at the meeting.
12. 条約 = a treaty
The USA and Japan signed a treaty.
13. 休戦 a truce
The USA and Japan signed a truce.
14. 黙とう a silent prayer, a moment of silence
Today we observed a moment of silence to remember the dead.
15. 二国間協定 = a treaty between 2 countries, a bilateral treaty
16. 個人として靖国神社に参拝する Visit Yasukuni Shrine as a private citizen
17. 靖国神社を公式参拝する Visit Yasukuni Shrine in an official capacity
18. 深い反省を示す to express remorse 

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