Monday, September 30, 2013

(公開) 英会話ライブレッスン 2013年9月30日(月)Vocabulary Booster 初級

1. The weather has finally started cooling down.

2. I'm looking forward to autumn. 

3. scared vs. scary                  
I am scared. / It is scary.

I'm interested in Italy. 
Italy is interesting.

I'm bored with this book. 
= This book is boring.

That movie was exciting!
= I was excited watching that movie!

My job is so frustrating!
= I am so frustrated with my job!

The more you watch, the sooner you will get used to my voice.

4. That's a big deal! = That's WOW!

大したことではない。= That's not a big deal.
5. to deal
a) deal cards = Deal the cards.
b) Deal with it! = Accept the truth!
c) I made a deal with Joe.
d) It's a deal!  = Deal! = I accept!
e) It's a good deal!
f) That's a bad deal!
g) Deal with me.

処分=I'll deal with him., I'll deal with the garbage.

I'll take care of the bill. = I'll deal with the bill. =I'll pay the bill.

(会員) 英会話ライブレッスン 2013年9月27日(金)Vocabulary Booster 中級ー上級

(会員) 英会話ライブレッスン 2013年9月27日(金)Vocabulary Booster 中級ー上級

I'm fried.

1. Take this. It will lesson the pain.

2. Don't scratch it. You'll only exacerbate it.

3. His health is deteriorating.
4. . I can't tell the difference between A and B.

5. The noise interrupted the class lecture.

6. panicky / scared = ????

7. by accident =
I locked myself out of the house by accident.
I accidentally locked myself out of the house.

8. to make fun of = to ridicule = to mock
He ridiculed me.

9. He gave the speech with no preparation at all.
He improvised it.
He winged it.

10. It's a pain in the neck.
It's troublesome.
It's a nuisance.

 11. stops you from being successful  = an albatross around your neck

12. to make pain feel better = to soothe
I tried to soothe her after her divorce.

The icepack soothed the pain.

(会員)英会話ライブレッスン 2013年9月25日(水)MIXED - talking about music

(会員)英会話ライブレッスン 2013年9月25日(水)MIXED - talking about music

1. I can't dance.
I have 2 left feet.

2. I can't sing.
I am tone deaf.
I can't carry a tune.
I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket.

BONUS: I'm musically challenged.

3. He is a very good guitar player.
He plays a mean guitar.

She makes a good cup of coffee.
She makes a mean cup of coffee.

4. I can play music by just listening to it.
I can play music by ear.   

5. I'm glad to hear the news.
The news is music to my ears.

6. I don't mean to brag, but I'm a pretty good golfer.
I don't mean to blow my own horn, but I'm a pretty good golfer.
I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I'm a pretty good golfer.
I don't mean to blow my own trumpet, but I'm a pretty good golfer.

7. That was really cheap. I got it for a song.

8. I understand what you said completely.  You were as clear as a bell.

9. I'm healthy. = I'm as fit as a fiddle.

10. You did something bad, now you have to accept the consequences.
consequences =影響, 結果
You have to accept the consequences. You have to face the music.

11. The essay is done, but I just have to make some slight adjustments.
The essay is done, it just needs some fine tuning.

12. A: It wasn't my fault we argued.
       B: You may think so, but there can be no fight with only 1 person.

It takes two to tango. = Two people are necessary to fight.

13. What he said touched me.
What he said struck a chord.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

(会員)英会話ライブレッスン 2013年9月24日(火)MIXED - Movie & TV Expressions

(会員)英会話ライブレッスン 2013年9月24日(火)MIXED - Movie & TV Expressions

1. to take advantage of st =
Don't take advantage of this.
Don't take advantage of him.

2. to take sb for granted = to not appreciate the value of st
He takes her for granted.
I feel like you take me for granted.

3. clueless = to have no real idea about
You're completely clueless when it comes to women.
When it comes to heavy metal I am clueless.

4. like a bolt from the blue= suddenly
He appeared like a bolt from the blue.
I can't believed he fired me! It was like a bold from the blue!

5. to take care of st
I'll take care of the coffee. = Don't worry. I will get the coffee.

6. I'm messed up./I'm screwed up./I'm fucked up.
It messed me up./It screwed me up./It fucked me up.

7. I messed up.
I screwed up. 
I fucked up.

7. shit = things = stuff
Pack your things. We have to go!
Pack your stuff. We have to go!
Pack your shit. We have to go!

Whose things are these?
Whose stuff are these?
Whose shit are these?

Whose things are these?
Whose stuff is this?  
Whose crap is this? 
Whose shit is this?       
Whose stuff / crap / shit is this?    

A lot of bad shit happened.
A lot of bad crap happened.
A lot of bad stuff happened.      
A lot of bad things happened.   

8. Bravo! Good job!

9. Goodbye! Adios! Adieu! Sayonara! Ciao!

10. Hasta la vista, baby!                  

Thursday, September 19, 2013

(会員)英会話ライブレッスン 2013年9月19日(木)中級-上級 Random Cool English

(会員)英会話ライブレッスン 2013年9月19日(木)中級-上級 Random Cool English

a trailer = 予告編
One Chance (2013)
1. As long as I can remember, I've wanted to VERB.
As long as I can remember, I've wanted to visit France.
I've wanted to visit France as long as I can remember.
I've wanted to visit France forever.
I haven't seen you forever.
2. I'm crazy about ~. I'm mad for ~. I'm psycho for ~.
He's a psycho. = He's a dangerously crazy person.
3. That was exhilarating.
4. a grudge match
I have a grudge against you.
I don't hold any grudges.
I don't hold any grudges.
It's a a grudge match.
5. It's blowing up.
6. I need you in my corner.
7. toilet  俗語
Where is the toilet?
Where is the bathroom?
Where is the restroom?
Where is the washroom?
Where is the men's room?
Where is the ladies' room?
Where is the john?
Where is the head?
Where is the little boys' room?
Where is the little girls' room?
Where is the lavatory?
Excuse me, I need to use the facilities.
I need to use the crapper/the shitter.
Hold your horses!
Keep your shirt on!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

(会員)英会話ライブレッスン 2013年9月17日(火)初級 日常英語

(会員)英会話ライブレッスン 2013年9月17日(火)初級 日常英語

1.  I live in New York, but I'm ~ from Florida.
Are you originally from PLACE?

2. So you were born in Florida? But you ~ up in New York?
Where did you grow up?

3. Spiderman's parents died when he was young. He was ~ by his grandparents.
brought up

4. I woke ~ at 9am.           

5. I went ~ sleep ~ 1am.  

6. I fell ~ and broke my arm.

or "down"

7. I ~ my keys down the drain sewer.

I dropped by the supermarket.
I stopped by the supermarket. 
I popped by supermarket.

8. ~ the car.  (のエンジンをかけ)
Start the car.          
Start your engines!

9. 彼は毎日車で仕事に行きます。
He drives to work every day.
He takes a taxi to work every day.
He takes the subway to work every day.

10. 車に乗って!
Get in the car!

11. The music is too loud. Can you turn it ~.

12. He offered me a job, but I turned him ~.
I turned him down.

13. People who lie are a real turn ~.

A beautiful voice is a real turn-on.

14. I like to ~.       
He took a trip to France.

15. What was the highlight of your trip?
What was the highlight of your day?

Getting your phone call was the highlight of my day.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

(会員)英会話ライブレッスン 2013年9月10日(火)Sport idioms-2

(会員)英会話ライブレッスン 2013年9月10日(火)Sport idioms-2

1. to come out swinging 
He came out swinging.

2. by a nose / by a hair
He won by a nose.

3. save by the bell
I was saved by the bell.

4. to roll with the punches
In life you have to remember to roll with the punches.

5. pull one's punches 
The gloves are off.
He didn't pull his punches.
Please tell me the truth. Don't pull any punches.

6. It's par for the course.= It's not surprising.
Sometimes students quit. It's par for the course.

7. first base = a kiss
I got to first base with her.

second base = touching breasts
I got to second base with her.

third base = touching ... down there
I went to third base with her.

a home run = sex
He hit a home run with her.

8. He is batting a thousand.
He always succeeds. He is very successful.

9. to play hardball = to play tough
9. to play hardball = to be tough, strict, very serious and aggressive

10. to touch base with sb

11. I'm sorry. It was my fault. I dropped the ball.

12. He is on the ball. = He is alert. 

(公開)「おもてなし」は英語で?デイリー英語 Sept 9, 2013 BONUS

(公開)「おもてなし」は英語で?デイリー英語 Sept 9, 2013 BONUS

Sport Idioms:
The Olympics 
1. I want to see the games.

2. to play (a game)
I play soccer/tennis/chess.
I bowled.
I skied.  I snowboarded.  I ran.  I swam.  I jogged.

3. martial arts:
to do karate/aikido/ judo
He does/practices ~.

Boxing idioms
4. to show sb the ropes
Could you show me the ropes.
Thanks for showing me the ropes.

5. to throw in the towel
After 10 years in business they're finally throwing in the towel.

6. The gloves are off! = no mercy

7. I'm in your corner. = I'm on your side.

8. to hit below the belt = to do st that is unacceptable
That comment was below the belt.
You can't say that to him! That's hitting below the belt!

9. She is out of my league.

10. a ballpark
Gimme a ballpark.
Give me a ballpark figure/number.

11. to play ball = to cooperate
Are you going to play ball?

12. to hit a homerun = to be very successful
Apple hit a homerun with the iPad.

13. to strike out = to fail
I tried asking her out, but I struck out.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

(会員) 生放送レッスンTuesday 2013年9月03日: Common Mistakes

(会員生放送レッスンTuesday 2013903: Common Mistakes

(会員) 生放送レッスンTuesday 2013903: Common Mistakes
1. explain 
2. explanation 
3. explainable  
4. explainably  - (this word does not exist0
5. unexplainably 
6. alright  --> all right
7. "I could care less". --> --> I couldn't care less.

8. I am office worker. --> I am an office worker. 

9. Except natto, I like all Japanese food.  --> Except for natto, I like all Japanese food. 

10. He is more big. --> He is bigger. / He is much bigger.

11. It's getting autumn.  -->  It's becoming autumn. / It's getting to be autumn. 

12. It is a good movie for me. --> It is a good movie.  

13. Which is the best city of the world? --> 13. Which is the best city in the world?

14. He took many photos during he was in Japan. --> He took many photos while he was in Japan.

15. I like listening to the music. --> I like listening to music.

16. Did you enjoy? -->  Did you enjoy yourself / the party?

17. When was the last time you visited to America? --> When was the last time you visited America?

18. I went to Hawaii. I really like there. -->  I went to Hawaii. I really like it there. 

19. I went to there last week. --> I went there last week. 

20. I have visited Tokyo last week. --> I visited Tokyo last week. 

21. She got married with a businessman. --> She got married to a businessman. 

22. Please call to me tomorrow! --> Please call me tomorrow. 

23. I am living in Tokyo. --> I live in Tokyo. 

24. Can you explain to me? --> Can you explain this to me? or --> Can you explain it to me? 

25. Wow! Your house is so wide! -->  Wow! Your house is so big! 

wide --> big, narrow --> small

Monday, September 2, 2013

(会員) 生放送レッスンMonday 2013年9月02日: 中級ー上級

(会員) 生放送レッスンMonday 2013902: 中級ー上級

I think I came down with a cold.
Or maybe my allergies are acting up.

1. A tornado hit eastern Japan.
A tornado rips through eastern Japan.
A tornado tears through eastern Japan.

2. Abe pledges comprehensive, prompt steps for Fukushima
to pledge: promise
comprehensive: 包括的な
prompt: 即座の、すぐの

3. Japanese director Miyazaki retires
He's a living legend.
His films are legendary.
His work is enchanting.
He is a great storyteller.

I shouldn't blow my own horn.

I don't mean to blow my own horn, but. . . I'm pretty good.

Fans are in disbelief.
I'm not really a big anime fan.

They are a little too high-brow for my taste.

4. Kono urges Abe to stop being coy over Yasukuni Shrine
coy: artfully or affectedly shy or reserved

5. Once-reluctant Japanese get behind Tokyo's Olympic bid.
reluctant: 気乗りしない、気が進まない
to get behind: to support st
a bid: 入札

6. Tanks said built in haste, bound to leak
to do st in haste: quickly and carelessly, 急いで、慌てて
to be bound to verb = to be sure to

7. White House confident on winning Hill support on Syria but scrambling to get votes

According to the weather report, it looks like rain.