Tuesday, September 17, 2013

(会員)英会話ライブレッスン 2013年9月17日(火)初級 日常英語

(会員)英会話ライブレッスン 2013年9月17日(火)初級 日常英語

1.  I live in New York, but I'm ~ from Florida.
Are you originally from PLACE?

2. So you were born in Florida? But you ~ up in New York?
Where did you grow up?

3. Spiderman's parents died when he was young. He was ~ by his grandparents.
brought up

4. I woke ~ at 9am.           

5. I went ~ sleep ~ 1am.  

6. I fell ~ and broke my arm.

or "down"

7. I ~ my keys down the drain sewer.

I dropped by the supermarket.
I stopped by the supermarket. 
I popped by supermarket.

8. ~ the car.  (のエンジンをかけ)
Start the car.          
Start your engines!

9. 彼は毎日車で仕事に行きます。
He drives to work every day.
He takes a taxi to work every day.
He takes the subway to work every day.

10. 車に乗って!
Get in the car!

11. The music is too loud. Can you turn it ~.

12. He offered me a job, but I turned him ~.
I turned him down.

13. People who lie are a real turn ~.

A beautiful voice is a real turn-on.

14. I like to ~.       
He took a trip to France.

15. What was the highlight of your trip?
What was the highlight of your day?

Getting your phone call was the highlight of my day.

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