Monday, September 2, 2013

(会員) 生放送レッスンMonday 2013年9月02日: 中級ー上級

(会員) 生放送レッスンMonday 2013902: 中級ー上級

I think I came down with a cold.
Or maybe my allergies are acting up.

1. A tornado hit eastern Japan.
A tornado rips through eastern Japan.
A tornado tears through eastern Japan.

2. Abe pledges comprehensive, prompt steps for Fukushima
to pledge: promise
comprehensive: 包括的な
prompt: 即座の、すぐの

3. Japanese director Miyazaki retires
He's a living legend.
His films are legendary.
His work is enchanting.
He is a great storyteller.

I shouldn't blow my own horn.

I don't mean to blow my own horn, but. . . I'm pretty good.

Fans are in disbelief.
I'm not really a big anime fan.

They are a little too high-brow for my taste.

4. Kono urges Abe to stop being coy over Yasukuni Shrine
coy: artfully or affectedly shy or reserved

5. Once-reluctant Japanese get behind Tokyo's Olympic bid.
reluctant: 気乗りしない、気が進まない
to get behind: to support st
a bid: 入札

6. Tanks said built in haste, bound to leak
to do st in haste: quickly and carelessly, 急いで、慌てて
to be bound to verb = to be sure to

7. White House confident on winning Hill support on Syria but scrambling to get votes

According to the weather report, it looks like rain.

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