Tuesday, September 24, 2013

(会員)英会話ライブレッスン 2013年9月24日(火)MIXED - Movie & TV Expressions

(会員)英会話ライブレッスン 2013年9月24日(火)MIXED - Movie & TV Expressions

1. to take advantage of st =
Don't take advantage of this.
Don't take advantage of him.

2. to take sb for granted = to not appreciate the value of st
He takes her for granted.
I feel like you take me for granted.

3. clueless = to have no real idea about
You're completely clueless when it comes to women.
When it comes to heavy metal I am clueless.

4. like a bolt from the blue= suddenly
He appeared like a bolt from the blue.
I can't believed he fired me! It was like a bold from the blue!

5. to take care of st
I'll take care of the coffee. = Don't worry. I will get the coffee.

6. I'm messed up./I'm screwed up./I'm fucked up.
It messed me up./It screwed me up./It fucked me up.

7. I messed up.
I screwed up. 
I fucked up.

7. shit = things = stuff
Pack your things. We have to go!
Pack your stuff. We have to go!
Pack your shit. We have to go!

Whose things are these?
Whose stuff are these?
Whose shit are these?

Whose things are these?
Whose stuff is this?  
Whose crap is this? 
Whose shit is this?       
Whose stuff / crap / shit is this?    

A lot of bad shit happened.
A lot of bad crap happened.
A lot of bad stuff happened.      
A lot of bad things happened.   

8. Bravo! Good job!

9. Goodbye! Adios! Adieu! Sayonara! Ciao!

10. Hasta la vista, baby!                  

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