Saturday, December 21, 2013

(Members Only) 2013年12月21日(土)英会話レッスンクリスマススペシャル

(Members Only) 2013年12月21日(土)英会話レッスンクリスマススペシャル 
Do you have any plans for the holidays?

1. I'm going to visit/see my parents.

2. a reindeer

3. a sleigh,
Santa's sleigh

4. an elf / elves

5. ヤドリギ = mistletoe

6. a star

7. snow

8. stockings

9. coal = 石炭

10. egg nogg

11. jolly

12. a Christmas roast / ham / turkey

13. X Present for you!
I bought you a present.
I have a present for you.
This is for you.
I got you something. 

14. a nativity scene

15. controversial

16. Virgin Mary

17. immaculate 汚れ[欠点・誤り]のない、無傷の、清潔な、純潔な、

18, conception:     1.    《生物》〔妊娠初期の〕受胎

19. I'm sold. = I believe it. I'm convinced.

(会員)Dec. 18 英会話ライブレッスン MORE Fun expressions

(会員)Dec. 18 英会話ライブレッスン MORE Fun expressions 
1. "I'm the king of the world!" = Titanic

2. "I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog too!" - The Wizard of Oz

3. "Carpe diem!" - Dead Poets Society 
Seize the the day!

4. "My precious." - Lord of the Rings

5. "Hasta la vista, baby." - Terminator 2

6. "Here's Johnny!" - The Shining

7. "Get your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape." - Planet of the Apes

8. "Say 'hello' to my little friend!" - Scarface

9. "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." - God Father

10. "Greed, for lack of a better word, is good." = Wall Street
for a lack of a better word他にもっと良い言葉がないので

11. "Houston, we have a problem." - Apollo 13

12. "You're gonna need a bigger boat." -JAWS

13. "After all, tomorrow is another day!" - Gone with the Wind

14. "You can't handle the truth!" - A Few Good Men

15. "There's no place like home." - The Wizard of Oz

16. "Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." - The Wizard of Oz
= This place is strange. 

Monday, December 16, 2013

(会員)Dec. 16 英会話ライブレッスン Fun expressions

(会員)Dec. 16 英会話ライブレッスン Fun expressions

1. He is so ugly. = He's got a face only a mother could love.
2. Brains before beauty. 
Age before beauty. 
Youth before beauty. 
Beauty before brains.

3. a smart person = an egg head

4. a person who watches TV a lot = a couch potato

5. an old man = an old fart

6. an old woman = an old bag 

7. a bad doctor = a quack

8. a bad writer = a hack

9. a bad actor = a ham

10.  I'm in a pickle. = I'm in trouble. 

11. The lights are on but nobody's home. 
=That person is stupid.

12. She couldn't find her way out of a paper bag.
= She has no sense of direction.
He couldn't talk his way out of a paper bag.
= He is a bad talker. 
He couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag.
= He is a bad fighter.
He couldn't argue his way out of a paper bag.
= He is bad at arguing. 

13. I let the cat out of the bag. 
= I told a secret.

14. He's a wet blanket. = He ruins the mood. 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

(会員)Dec. 15 英会話ライブレッスン - transition expressions

(会員)Dec. 15 英会話ライブレッスン - transition expressions

1. by the way = btw = そういえば

2. in my opinion = 私の意見では…

3. in my view = 私の見解では…

4. As far as I am concerned… = 私に言わせれば…

5. On top of that = その上に

6. What's more…そのうえ….

A: Why don't you think we should go to Okinawa? 
B: First of all, it's the rainy season. What's more, it's too expensive.
More importantly, I just don't have the time.

7. More importantly …=さらに重要なことに…

8. Come to think of it… = 考えてみると…

9. 肝心なのは~です。 The bottom line is .... =要は/要するに/結局のところ/とにかく

10. As I recall… If I remember correctly… = 私の記憶による…

11. I don't remember. / I don't recall. 

12. if memory serves 記憶が正しければ
Ex: If memory serves, he used to be in the boyscouts. 
if memory serves 
if memory serves correctly 
if my memory serves correctly 

13. I don't remember. = I don't recall.. 

14. It slipped my mind. 

15. It completely slipped my mind.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

(会員)Dec. 14 英会話ライブレッスン News - mixed

1. M5.5 quake shakes Kanto
M = magnitude = power of earthquake
an earthquake = 地震
to shake = to hit, to quake 
An earthquake hit the Kanto area. 

2. Deutsche Securities reprimanded for excessive client entertainment in Japan
Deutsche Securities = company name
to reprimand = to scold = to verbally punish 
excessive = too much 
client = customer 
entertainment = taking someone to dinner, drinks, shows, etc. 接待 

3. Japan should embrace nuclear power, government panel says
to embrace = 1) to hug, 2) to welcome 
nuclear power = 原子力 
government panel = 政府の諮問機関

4. Top court says transsexual is father of IVF baby
a transsexual = a person who had a sex change 
In vitro fertilization = IVF

5. Diet lawmaker's sister admits election fraud
Diet lawmaker = 国会議員
admit = ~を認める、承認する
election = 選挙
fraud 詐欺

She bought votes.
buy votes = 票の買収する, 投票を買収する

6. Japan is going to get seriuos about English education. 

7. Junior high school English teachers should conduct classes exclusively in English.

8. ALT = Assistant Language Teachers

9. He is proficient in English. 

10.  JLPT = Japanese Language Proficiency Test
11. Kim purge puts world on alert

(会員)Dec. 13 英会話ライブレッスン men & women relations - mixed

1. masculine

2. feminine 

3. boyish 

4. girlish 

5. a tomboy / She is a tomboy.   She is tomboyish. 

6. They are just friends. 

7. They are dating.  

8. They are dating, but it's not serious.  

9. They are dating, and it's pretty serious.  

10. They are hot and heavy. 

11. They are sex friends. 

12. They are friends with benefits. 

13. They are platonic friends. 

14. She's like a sister to me., He's like a brother to me., He's my brother. She's my sister.   

15. She's like my little sister. I see her as my little sister. 

16. She has a crush on him., He has a crush on her. 

17. She is obsessed with him. 

18. unrequited love 報われぬ恋、片思い

19. macho = psychological

20. male chauvinist pig = 男性優越主義者 

21. feminist = 男女同権論者、フェミニスト、男女同権主義者

22. They are dating., He is dating Sally., He is seeing Sally.

23. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? = Are you seeing anyone?

24. I just broke up with my boyfriend/girlfriend. 

= I just got out of a relationship. 

25. He has a lot of emotional luggage. 

(会員)Dec. 12 英会話ライブレッスン Talking about laws in Japan - mixed

1. 法律 = law

2. There is a law.  Is there a law?

3. There is a law that says you can't smoke in the subway. 

4. law > rule 

5. There is a rule that says you can't smoke in the subway. 

6. It's against the law to VERB.

7. You have to obey the law. 

8. You broke the law.  You disobeyed the law. 

9. He is the law. = He is the police. 

10. law and order = 治安、法と秩序

11. maintain law and order = 治安を維持する、法と秩序を保つ

12. respect law and order = 法と秩序を尊重する

13. restore law and order = 治安を回復する

14. a bill = 議案 or 法案

15. bill become law = 議案が法律になる

Civics Lesson Cartoon For Kids - How A Bill Becomes a Law - Schoolhouse Rock

16. I feel a bit nostalgic. 懐かしい

17. They passed the bill. 

18. The bill was passed by the House.

= The House passed the bill. 

19. bill passed by the Senate = 上院で可決された法案

20. The bill was passed by the Senate.

= The Senate passed the bill. 

21. The State Secrecy Law was passed.

22. Some people want the law revised.

23. 修正する = to revise

24. Some people want the law abolished. 

25. abolition = 廃止、廃絶、全廃

26. abolish【他動】〔法律や制度などを〕無効にする、廃止する、撤廃する

27. repeal a law = 法律を廃止する

28. scrap the bill = 廃案にする

29. I had to scrap my plans to go to Hawaii. 

30. amend a law = 法律を改正する

(会員)Dec. 9 英会話ライブレッスン 真珠湾攻撃 shin ju wan kou geki

(会員)Dec. 9 英会話ライブレッスン 真珠湾攻撃 shin ju wan kou geki

Keep hydrated.

I am dehydrated.

陰謀=a conspiracy

conspiracy theorist=陰謀説を唱える人

December 7th was the 72nd anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. 

a controversial topica controversial topic = 論争を呼ぶ話題

The USA tried to provoke Germany into declaring war on the USA.

Germany resisted declaring war on America.

I couldn't resist!

I couldn't resist punching my boss.

I couldn't resist eating the last piece of pie. 

America tried to bait Germany. 

He had prior knowledge.

Make no mistake about it.  

Make no mistake.

The Americans were sitting ducks.

I assumed it was all about Pearl Harbor.

I may be incapacited. 

(会員)Dec. 6 英会話ライブレッスン News! 特定秘密保護法

1. They had a good turnout.  

2. They are against the bill. 

3. They are protesting. 

4. They are demonstrating. 

5. They are holding a rally against the bill. 

6. I participated in the demonstration.  

7. They are holding/staging a demonstration. 

8. 特定秘密保護法 The Special State Secrets Law.

9. Edward Snowden was a whistleblower.

10. He blew the whistle on the government's wrong doing. 政府の不正を暴露しました。

11. The problem with this law is that it's too vague. 

12. This law has many opponents. 

13. This law has many critics. 

14. This law has many detractors. 

15. This law many limit the freedom of the press. 

16. freedom of the press = 出版[報道・言論]の自由、自由な取材活動

17. The law would apply to four areas: defence, diplomacy, counter-terrorism, and counter-espionage. 

18. espionage スパイ行為、偵察、スパイ、諜報

19. Japan whistleblowers face crackdown under proposed state secrets law

20. air defense zone = 防空地帯

21. Mandela was an anti-apartheid hero. 

22. Children threatened with death if school doesn't cancel 'bonenkai'.
to threaten sb = 脅す, 威嚇する

23. Vibrate your scalp, reduce your stress. 

24. Diet enacts state secrets bill 
enact a bill = 法案を成立させる

25. Let's call it a night.

(会員)Dec. 5 英会話ライブレッスン Idioms! 中級ー上級

I think I'm coming down with a cold. 
I have a nasally voice.
 I have runny nose. 
My nose is running. 

I saw a movie today called: Paranorman. 
This is a play on words.  
"Paranorman" is a play on words.  
Norman is the main character of the movie.
He can talk to ghosts.
He has paranormal ability.

I am nothing if not ADJECTIVE.
I'm nothing if not careful. = I am very careful. 
Somebody is nothing if they are not ADJECTIVE.
He is nothing if not thorough. 
nothing if not ~なのが一番の取りえだ、とりわけ~、どう見ても~

No thank you. = I'm good. I'm OK. I'm fine.

I completely agree with you. = No doubt.
I completely agree with you. = Yes, without a ~.
I completely agree with you. = Yes, without a doubt.
Without question. = Without a doubt.

I don't believe you. = Yeah, I bet.

I bet that ~. = きっと~.
I bet (that) he's lying. 

The bottom line is ...
The bottom line is I just can't afford it. 

What's the bottom line? 

My boss has me jumping through hoops. 

I had to jump through hoops to ~. 

I hit rock bottom.

(会員)Dec. 3 英会話ライブレッスン Functional English - 初級ー中級

1. Introducing yourself.
 My name is Victor.
OLD. I am called Victor.
They call me Victor.

His name is Jonathon, but everyone calls him Johnny. 

Would you like a donut? 
Would you like a cup of coffee? 
Would you like to dance? 

Do you want ~? 

Want ~? 

Do you feel like ~? 

Feel like a movie? 
Feel like a jog? 
Feel like talking? 

Can I have a glass of water? 
Could I have a glass of water? 
Could I talk to you for a minute?

May I have a glass of water?  
May I ask you a question? 
I would like the lunch special.  
I would like to talk to you.
Please ~. 
Please bring me the lunch special.
Please leave me alone. 
Please stop talking to me. 
Shut up! 
Come here! 
Go away! 
Drop dead! 
Hug me! Kiss me! Love me! 

Is it OK if I sit here? 
Is it all right if I sit here? 
Is it all right with you if I sit here? 
Is it OK with you if I sit here? 

Can I sit here? 
May I sit here? 

Do you mind if I sit here? 
Dyaminifai sit here? 
Do you mind if I take a rain check? 

Do you mind if I ask you a question? 

Do you mind if I sit here?  
Would you mind if I sat here? 

Can I have permission to sit here? 
May I have permission to sit here? 

Is it Ok if I sit here? 
Would it be okay if I sat here? 

Friday, December 13, 2013

(公開)Nov.30 英会話ライブレッスン Functional English - 初級ー中級

1. That's life. 
2. That's the way the cookie crumbles. 
3. That's the way the ball bounces. 
4. What are you going do?  Whaddaya gonna do?

5. Open the door.
6. Open the door, please. 
7. Can you open the door? (please)?
8. Could you open the door? (please)?
9. Would you open the door, please? 
10. Would you be so kind as to open the door, please? 
11. Do me a favor and open the door. 
12. Hey, do me a favor and open the door. 
13. Do me a favor. > Could you do me a favor? 
14. I want ~. < I would like ~. 
15. Can I have ~? < Could I have ~?
What is the difference A and B?
16. Give me ~. 
Give me 2 cups of a coffee and 2 jelly donuts. 

17. ~いかがですか?
You wanna donut? You want a donut?
Would you like a donut?