Saturday, December 21, 2013

(Members Only) 2013年12月21日(土)英会話レッスンクリスマススペシャル

(Members Only) 2013年12月21日(土)英会話レッスンクリスマススペシャル 
Do you have any plans for the holidays?

1. I'm going to visit/see my parents.

2. a reindeer

3. a sleigh,
Santa's sleigh

4. an elf / elves

5. ヤドリギ = mistletoe

6. a star

7. snow

8. stockings

9. coal = 石炭

10. egg nogg

11. jolly

12. a Christmas roast / ham / turkey

13. X Present for you!
I bought you a present.
I have a present for you.
This is for you.
I got you something. 

14. a nativity scene

15. controversial

16. Virgin Mary

17. immaculate 汚れ[欠点・誤り]のない、無傷の、清潔な、純潔な、

18, conception:     1.    《生物》〔妊娠初期の〕受胎

19. I'm sold. = I believe it. I'm convinced.

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