Saturday, December 14, 2013

(会員)Dec. 13 英会話ライブレッスン men & women relations - mixed

1. masculine

2. feminine 

3. boyish 

4. girlish 

5. a tomboy / She is a tomboy.   She is tomboyish. 

6. They are just friends. 

7. They are dating.  

8. They are dating, but it's not serious.  

9. They are dating, and it's pretty serious.  

10. They are hot and heavy. 

11. They are sex friends. 

12. They are friends with benefits. 

13. They are platonic friends. 

14. She's like a sister to me., He's like a brother to me., He's my brother. She's my sister.   

15. She's like my little sister. I see her as my little sister. 

16. She has a crush on him., He has a crush on her. 

17. She is obsessed with him. 

18. unrequited love 報われぬ恋、片思い

19. macho = psychological

20. male chauvinist pig = 男性優越主義者 

21. feminist = 男女同権論者、フェミニスト、男女同権主義者

22. They are dating., He is dating Sally., He is seeing Sally.

23. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? = Are you seeing anyone?

24. I just broke up with my boyfriend/girlfriend. 

= I just got out of a relationship. 

25. He has a lot of emotional luggage. 

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