Saturday, December 14, 2013

(会員)Dec. 3 英会話ライブレッスン Functional English - 初級ー中級

1. Introducing yourself.
 My name is Victor.
OLD. I am called Victor.
They call me Victor.

His name is Jonathon, but everyone calls him Johnny. 

Would you like a donut? 
Would you like a cup of coffee? 
Would you like to dance? 

Do you want ~? 

Want ~? 

Do you feel like ~? 

Feel like a movie? 
Feel like a jog? 
Feel like talking? 

Can I have a glass of water? 
Could I have a glass of water? 
Could I talk to you for a minute?

May I have a glass of water?  
May I ask you a question? 
I would like the lunch special.  
I would like to talk to you.
Please ~. 
Please bring me the lunch special.
Please leave me alone. 
Please stop talking to me. 
Shut up! 
Come here! 
Go away! 
Drop dead! 
Hug me! Kiss me! Love me! 

Is it OK if I sit here? 
Is it all right if I sit here? 
Is it all right with you if I sit here? 
Is it OK with you if I sit here? 

Can I sit here? 
May I sit here? 

Do you mind if I sit here? 
Dyaminifai sit here? 
Do you mind if I take a rain check? 

Do you mind if I ask you a question? 

Do you mind if I sit here?  
Would you mind if I sat here? 

Can I have permission to sit here? 
May I have permission to sit here? 

Is it Ok if I sit here? 
Would it be okay if I sat here? 

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