Saturday, December 14, 2013

(会員)Dec. 14 英会話ライブレッスン News - mixed

1. M5.5 quake shakes Kanto
M = magnitude = power of earthquake
an earthquake = 地震
to shake = to hit, to quake 
An earthquake hit the Kanto area. 

2. Deutsche Securities reprimanded for excessive client entertainment in Japan
Deutsche Securities = company name
to reprimand = to scold = to verbally punish 
excessive = too much 
client = customer 
entertainment = taking someone to dinner, drinks, shows, etc. 接待 

3. Japan should embrace nuclear power, government panel says
to embrace = 1) to hug, 2) to welcome 
nuclear power = 原子力 
government panel = 政府の諮問機関

4. Top court says transsexual is father of IVF baby
a transsexual = a person who had a sex change 
In vitro fertilization = IVF

5. Diet lawmaker's sister admits election fraud
Diet lawmaker = 国会議員
admit = ~を認める、承認する
election = 選挙
fraud 詐欺

She bought votes.
buy votes = 票の買収する, 投票を買収する

6. Japan is going to get seriuos about English education. 

7. Junior high school English teachers should conduct classes exclusively in English.

8. ALT = Assistant Language Teachers

9. He is proficient in English. 

10.  JLPT = Japanese Language Proficiency Test
11. Kim purge puts world on alert

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