(公開)Saturday - All around useful English
1. important
~ is important to me.
My family is important to me.
My job is important to me.
When I buy a bottle of wine, the label is important to me.
When I buy a bottle of wine, the cork is important to me.
When I go to a restaurant, the atmosphere is important to me.
2. I care about ~.
I care about the atmosphere.
I care about a restaurants atmosphere.
3. I don’t care about ~.
I don’t care about hockey.
4. Would you like Pepsi or Coke?
I don’t care. Either is fine.
I don’t mind.
5. I am indifferent. = I have never thought about it so I have no opinion.
6. I don’t mind. 負担にならない。
When I go to a bar, I don’t mind if other people smoke.
When I go to a restaurant, I mind if other people smoke.
7. おごるよ。
It’s my treat.
Let me treat you.
I’ll treat you (to dinner).
It’s on me.
I’ll buy you dinner.
8. Let me get this. or
I’ll get this.
9. I’ll take care of this.
=fix a problem
I’ll take care of him.
10. It depends on the situation.
11. Leave it me.
Leave the check to me.
Leave me to me.
12. 断る。
No, thank you.
I’m good. / I’m fine.
I can’t today. I have plans.
O I have plans.
X I have a plan.
Rain check.
I’ll take a rain check.
Let me take a rain check.
A: Would you like to have dinner tonight.
B: I would love to, but I have plans.
B: I would love to, but I have something I have to do. But…Rain check?
13. A: Would you like to have dinner tomorrow night?
B: Tomorrow night? Yeah, that would be great.
A: Can you meet next Tuesday at 1pm?
B: 1pm? Um….sure I would be fine.
A: Ok. Let’s do that then. See you then.
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Thursday, May 29, 2014
(会員)Monday., May 26, 2014, 11pm - Basic Vocabulary Booster
(会員)Monday., May 26, 2014, 11pm - Basic Vocabulary Booster
I’m hungry.
I’m starving.
I’m starved.
You shouldn’t talk with your mouth full. It’s rude.
I saw him. He was walking down the street. >>
I saw him walking down the street.
I saw her. She was wearing a red dress.
X I saw her wearing a red dress.
I saw her in a red dress.
a) I like the way he talks.
b) I like his way of talking.
I like the way he talks.
I like the way she walks.
I like the way you think.
I like watching her.
I like watching her eat.
I took a picture of him.
He was dancing. >>
I took a picture of him dancing.
to bet = to gamble
I bet = I think = きっと
A: How do you like my new watch?
B: It’s really nice. I bet it was expensive.
You bet = Yes.
A: Do you like the city?
B: You bet I do.
Q: Have you ever been to Hawaii?
A: You bet I have.
Q: Can you speak Japanese?
A: You bet I can.
I have butterflies in my stomach. = I am nervous.
What’s up with ~?
What’s up with the t-shirt? = Please explain. I don’t understand why it’s funny.
It’s on me!
I’ll treat you.
Let me get this.
I’ll shout you out.
Let me get this. You get the next one…
One jar of peanut butter will last me a month.
(会員)Sat., May 24, 2014, 11pm - Talking about ASKA & DRUGS
(会員)Sat., May 24, 2014, 11pm - Talking about ASKA & DRUGS
This lesson was inspired by Aska’s arrest.
You would look better without a mustache.
You look like an old movie actor.
1. 麻薬 = drugs or narcotics
2. 処方箋 = prescription drugs
3. 度付き眼鏡 = prescription glasses
4. Drugs are illegal.
5. Drugs are against the law.
6. Drugs are contraband.
7. Marijuana has been legalized in Colorado State.
I think they should legalize .....
8. drug paraphernalia 麻薬道具
9. a gateway drug = a drug that opens the door to more dangerous drugs
10. addictive - 薬などの物質が〕中毒性の、中毒を(引き)起こす、常習的な
11. a person who sells drugs = a dealer
12. a person who is addicted to something = an addict, a junkie
11. someone who is addicted to a thrill = an adrenaline jukie
13. crack addict = コカイン中毒者 = a crack junkie
14. a crack whore = a woman who is addicted to crack and will do anything to buy more
15. synonyms for marijuana = pot, weed, grass, dope, mary-jane, bud, ganja
16. meth = メス ◆ 【同】 methamphetamine
17. an upper/a stimulant or a downer/a depressant
18. Cocaine is an upper. : コカインはアッパー系の[覚醒作用のある]ドラッグです。
19. depressant drug 抑制薬 . Marijuana is a downer
20. a female acquaintance = a woman you know but are not friends with
Kasumi Tochinai, 37, was also arrested on possession charges.
Both ASKA and Tochinai have denied the charges.
21. an illegal substance, an illegal drug, a narcotic
(会員)Fri., May 16, 2014, 11pm - Let's study FROZEN SONGS!
(会員)Fri., May 16, 2014, 11pm - Let's study FROZEN SONGS!
If you have a grudge you should let it go.
Let go = relax
Let It Go Lyrics]
looks + adjective
look like + noun
look like + sentence
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside.
Couldn't keep it in, Heaven knows I tried.
Heaven knows, God knows
I don’t care about height.
I don't care if you're a little late, but please call me.
to rage = for a storm or angry person to go on
all the rage = very popular now
Don't bother me! Stop bothering me!
The cold doesn't bother me.
The heat doesn't bother me.
It doesn’t bother me if you’re late.
It bothers me if you don’t call.
fun =楽しい, funny = 笑える
打ち破る break through
break through one's limits
free: 1. 自由, 2. ただ、3. 暇, 4. 抜き
caffeine, sugar free,
会員)Monday, May 12 - 11pm -Random Notes - Mixed Levels
会員)Monday, May 12 - 11pm -Random Notes - Mixed Levels
Let’s talk about actors.
1. What do you call a bad actor?
a ham
2. What do you call a bad journalist?
a hack
3. What do you all a bad doctor?
a quack
4. He is not an actor yet, but he wants to be an actor.
He is an ~ actor.
5. She is a Lady Gaga ~.
6. She auditioned for AKB48. She is an AKB48 _________________.
7. I’m addicted.
I'm addicted to the Lord of the Ring books.
8. I’m addicted. = I’m hooked.
9. What do you do for a living?
I teach for a living.
10. Answer: I ~ for a living.
I teach English for a living.
11. I make my living teaching English.
12. I'm in insurance.
I sell life insurance.
I work for a life insurace company.
13. ペスト = the plague
14. He is very angry. = He is furious.
He is very angry. = He is fuming.
15. お金は全然ない。= I’m broke.
I’m flat broke.
I’m dead broke.
16. 彼の猫は発情期
His cat is in heat.
17. He has a good 評判。
He has a good reputation.
18. 尻軽女 = She is easy., She is a slut.
19. to rack up st = to collect = to get.
He racked up a lot of money selling bottles.
20. There will be Hell to play. = There will be big trouble!
(会員)Fri. 11pm - This week in the news.
(会員)Fri. 11pm - This week in the news.
1. Japan imports 2,000 tons of whale meat from Iceland, Greenpeace says
I don't know what to make of this news.
I can't make out what he said.
I can't make out his handwriting.
2. 10 injured after truck rear-ends bus in Saitama
to rear-end sb = to hit them from behind.
He hit me from behind.
3. Institute rejects stem cell research scientist's appeal
to appeal = to ask again
- 上訴する、抗告する
announce a decision not to appeal the ruling控訴をしない決定を公表する
4. China cracks down on U.S. TV
to crack down on
The police are cracking down on drugs/speeding.
5. U.S. condemns N Korea's racist remarks about Obama
to condemn = to harshly criticize
to codemn = ~を非難する、責める、罵倒する、糾弾する、とがめる
6. Gambler argues his losses are tax deductible
tax deductible
7. the minimum wage = the minimum money we pay somebody for work
What is the minimum wage in Japan?
It depends on the prefecture.
8. There is a new Godzilla movie coming out!
9. Loyal to Zip-up Godzilla, Japan Wary of US Remake
to be wary of = to be careful of st
wary about《be ~》~に用心深い
10. The old movies have zippered costumes.
zipper = チャック式の
(会員)Thurs. 11pm - Random Quiz
(会員)Thurs. 11pm - Random Quiz
May 8, 2014
1. おなら = ?
a fart
2. 変なことを考えた
I had a brain ~.
3. おならのpolite slang?
He cut the ~.
Medical English: He had gas.
He has flatulence.
4. He is the boss.
= He is the big ~.
5. He is the boss. = He is the head ~.
6. 彼女はしっかりしている。
She has a good head on her shoulders.
7. I am (going) to Tokyo.
He is (coming) here.
Where are you ......?
8. 楽しかった?
Did you enjoy yourself?
Yes, I did. / No, not really.
Did you have fun?
Did you have a good time?
9. Let's ??????? the ????????????.
Let’s change the subject/topic.
10. 彼は卵の作りかったは酷いです。
They way he cooks eggs is terrible/awful.
11. 彼女のしゃベリ方が好きです。
= I like the way she talks.
I like the way she sings.
I like the way she moves.
I like the way you teach.
I like the way you think.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
(会員)Tues. 11pm - Random English Lesson!
(会員)Tues. 11pm - Random English Lesson!
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
1. 痛そう!
That looks painful!
That looks like it hurt!
That must have hurt!
2. むくんでいる/
My finger is swollen.
3. どうやって怪我した?
How did you hurt yourself?
How did you do that?
What happened?
Why did you hurt yourself?
Why did you do that?
4. purposely, on purpose, intentionally, deliberately
5. He is good at playing the guitar. / He is a good guitar player.
6. She is a good cook.
X She is a good cooker.
X She is good at cooking.
7. He is good at public speaking. or He is a good public speaker.
8. 彼は臭い。He stinks. He is stinky. He smells bad. He reeks.
9. 2万ドルの罰金を科された. I was fined 20,000 yen for speeding.
I was fined ~ yen for ~.
I had to pay a 20,000 yen fine for speeding.
10. 最近、仕事で忙しいです。
Recently, I’ve been busy with work.
I’ve been busy with work recently.
11a. The party was にぎやか。
11b. The party was lively.
12. to enjoy + 目的語
I enjoyed myself.
I didn’t enjoy myself.
It was enjoyable.
It was not enjoyable.
Did you enjoy yourself?
Did you have fun? Did you have a good time?
13. 盗作する = to plagiarize
He plagiarized part of his paper.
14. You are overthinking things.
You think too much.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
1. 痛そう!
That looks painful!
That looks like it hurt!
That must have hurt!
2. むくんでいる/
My finger is swollen.
3. どうやって怪我した?
How did you hurt yourself?
How did you do that?
What happened?
Why did you hurt yourself?
Why did you do that?
4. purposely, on purpose, intentionally, deliberately
5. He is good at playing the guitar. / He is a good guitar player.
6. She is a good cook.
X She is a good cooker.
X She is good at cooking.
7. He is good at public speaking. or He is a good public speaker.
8. 彼は臭い。He stinks. He is stinky. He smells bad. He reeks.
9. 2万ドルの罰金を科された. I was fined 20,000 yen for speeding.
I was fined ~ yen for ~.
I had to pay a 20,000 yen fine for speeding.
10. 最近、仕事で忙しいです。
Recently, I’ve been busy with work.
I’ve been busy with work recently.
11a. The party was にぎやか。
11b. The party was lively.
12. to enjoy + 目的語
I enjoyed myself.
I didn’t enjoy myself.
It was enjoyable.
It was not enjoyable.
Did you enjoy yourself?
Did you have fun? Did you have a good time?
13. 盗作する = to plagiarize
He plagiarized part of his paper.
14. You are overthinking things.
You think too much.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
(会員)Sat. 11pm - Random English Lesson!
(会員)Sat. 11pm - Random English Lesson!
A sentence that is not connected to the last sentence is called a non sequitur.
If you boat starts going under water, we say your boat is sinking.
to sink = to go down, to go under water.
I have a sinking feeling that I am going to get fired.
If your boat is sinking, then you need to ~ water.
If your boat is sinking, then you need to bail water.
to bail = to remove water, to help someone
Thanks for bailing me out.
to bail sb out = to help sb, to pay money to the government to get someone out of jail while they wait for their court date
I bailed my brother out of jail.
I bailed out my brother.
Oh, my God! Look at time!
I gotta bail.
He bailed. = He left.
The judge set bail at $50,000.
It's chilly. = It's a little cold.
a nudge = a small push
I gave him a nudge.
I nudged him in the right direction.
I gave him a nudge him in the right direction.
本能 = instinct
Instinct kicked in. = My instinct started and I acted on my instinct.
I smashed my finger in the car door.
I smashed my finger in the car door by accident.
It was an accident.
He did it on purpose.
He did it intentionally.
He did it purposely.
He did it deliberately.
He did it consciously.
He did it on purpose / intentionally / purposely / deliberately / consciously.
A sentence that is not connected to the last sentence is called a non sequitur.
If you boat starts going under water, we say your boat is sinking.
to sink = to go down, to go under water.
I have a sinking feeling that I am going to get fired.
If your boat is sinking, then you need to ~ water.
If your boat is sinking, then you need to bail water.
to bail = to remove water, to help someone
Thanks for bailing me out.
to bail sb out = to help sb, to pay money to the government to get someone out of jail while they wait for their court date
I bailed my brother out of jail.
I bailed out my brother.
Oh, my God! Look at time!
I gotta bail.
He bailed. = He left.
The judge set bail at $50,000.
It's chilly. = It's a little cold.
a nudge = a small push
I gave him a nudge.
I nudged him in the right direction.
I gave him a nudge him in the right direction.
本能 = instinct
Instinct kicked in. = My instinct started and I acted on my instinct.
I smashed my finger in the car door.
I smashed my finger in the car door by accident.
It was an accident.
He did it on purpose.
He did it intentionally.
He did it purposely.
He did it deliberately.
He did it consciously.
He did it on purpose / intentionally / purposely / deliberately / consciously.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
公開! 11pm The Action Teacher - Random English Lesson - Fun things to say in English!
公開! 11pm The Action Teacher - Random English Lesson - Fun things to say in English!
Hip is not お尻 in Japanese. That is a common misconception.
How do you say お尻 safely in English?
a rear-end, a bottom, a backside
I stopped at a redlight. I was suddenly rear-ended.
I was hit from behind. I was rear-ended.
The most common word for お尻 is "a butt".
すいがら a cigarette butt
Please don't throw your cigarette butts in the toilet.
He was the butt of my joke.
make someone the butt of a joke (人)をジョークの種にする、(人)を嘲る、(人)を酒の
I made him the butt of my joke.
面倒くさい = pain in the butt
Koromogae is a pain in the butt.
Switching out my clothes is a pain in the butt.
a pain in the butt = (nice way) a pain in the neck
Talking to him is a pain in the neck.
He's a pain in the neck.
a pain in the neck = (nice way) a pain in the neck
a pain in the butt = (dirty way) a pain in the ass
an ass = a) ケツ, b) ロバ, c) a jerk
下品な = dirty, vulgar, obscene, indecent
Don't be an ass. 〈卑俗〉ふざけたことを言う[する]な
逆さま = upside down
反対 = backwards
ass-backwards あべこべに、でたらめな
I got her name ass-backwards.
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