Sunday, August 7, 2016

(会員)2016年8月07日 Sunday Night - New round-up!

Nico - Aug. 7, 2016

1. I’ll get back at you. = revenge
2. I’ll get back to you. = I’ll call you back.

3. I made a ~.   4. I put my ~ in my ~.
5. It was a slip of the tongue.
6. I have ~ ~. 
7. I’m ~.
8. I have no opinion. = I’m indifferent.
9. I’m between a rock and a hard place.
10. I’m torn. = I can’t decide.
I’m torn between going to Hawaii and going to Okinawa.
I’m torn between moving to NYC and staying here.

11. 我慢しないといけない。
I have to bite the bullet.

12. Proverb: His bark is worse than his bite.

13. I tried to do something that was too difficult for me. = I bit off more than I could chew.

14. I’m sorry. = Apologies.
15. Sorry I’m late.

16. He cut in line in front of me.

Driving: He cut me off.

3. gaffe, 4. foot / mouth, 6. mixed feelings, 7. ambivalent

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