Tuesday, August 23, 2016

(会員)2016年8月23日 Tues. Night - Tokyo Summerland Attack

Nico - 19, 2016
Aug. 19, 2016

1. to wrestle with st
As a boy I wrestled with my own sexuality.
As a boy I struggled with my own sexuality.

I wrestled with a bear.

I fought with my mother. / I had a fight with my mother.
Is it physical or verbal? I don’t know.

2. to wrestle st away from sb
I wrestled the knife away from him.,  
I wrestled the knife out of his hands.

3. sink or swim:  to fail to to succeed

4. to sleep with the fishes = to be dead

5. to throw in the towel = to give up
I’m throwing in the towel. = I am giving up.

6. I’m in your corner. = I’m on your side.

7. That comment about my mother was below the belt. =  That comment was against the rules. He should not have made that comment or that attack.
That was below the belt.

8. I’m new here. Could you show me the ropes.

9. The telephone rang just as my boyfriend proposed to me. I guess I was saved by the bell.

10. You’ve got to learn how to roll with the punches. = Don’t give up.

11. He hit a home run! = He did a great job! = It was a slam dunk.

12. He started going out with her on the rebound.
It was a rebound relationship., I caught her on the rebound.

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