Tuesday, August 30, 2016

(会員)2016年8月30日 Tuesday Night - Review & more!

(会員)2016830 Tuesday Night - Review & more!

1. definitely vs. absolutely 
definitely = a decision/judgement. Think and say.
This is definitely a Pikachu.   
It is definitely yellow. 

absolute = a feeling. Think and say your feeling. 
a) She is absolutely the greatest.   
b) She is definitely the greatest. 

Q: Are you coming to my party?   
a) Absolutely., b) Definitely. 

a) She is absolutely beautiful.,
b) She is definitely beautiful. 

2. that vs. it
A: Let’s go to the movies.
B: That’s a good idea. 

A: What did you think of that book/movie?   
B: It was good. 

A: Should I clean up my desk?   
B1: It’s a good idea.,  B2: That’s a good idea. 

3. a / the     
a) talking about nouns, 
b) talking about places 
When introducing something for the first time you use “a”.  
Ex: I have a ~. 

You can use “the” with superlatives.
I have an idea. / I have the best idea.
A: I have a dog.   
B: What’s your dog’s name?  
A: It’s Maggie.  

A: Look! A dog!   
B: Yeah! Oh no, the dog is coming this way.  

If there is only one of something in an area, you use “the”.
Who is the President of Argentina?
Mr. Obama is the President of the USA. 

I’m going to the zoo. 

If there are more of one thing in an area, we use “a”. 
Let’s go see a movie., Let’s go grab a beer., I went to a restaurant. 

If the physical place you are going to is not as important as the activity/reason you are going there, we use “the.”
If you go to a bank, the point is not the building. The goal is to take out money or deposit money. 
I’m going to the bank.  

Victor’s easy rule: If it’s boring, use “the”.

I’m going to the…
bank, post office, supermarket, convenience store, toilet 


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