Monday, August 15, 2016

(会員)2016年8月15日 Monday Night - sport idioms

(会員)2016815 Monday Night - sport idioms
1. He kicked ass! = He did great! = He beat the competition easily! 
2. a home run = a great success
A: How was your presentation at the meeting? 
B: I hit a home run! = I hit it out of the park! 
3. in the long run = 長い目で見れば、長期的には、結局(は)
Buying a cheap car will actually cost you more money in the long run. 
A good car is more durable.
4. to run low on st > to run out of st 
I’m running low on money.   
My cellphone battery is running low.
I ran out of money. 

5. to run into sb = ばったり会う
I ran into my old student at the convenience store the other day. 
for people: to run into sb,  
for things: to come across st  

6. to run over st 
I ran over a nail/cat/dog.   
He got run over.,   
He got hit by a car.

7. to run out the clock = to waste time until the bell rings or the game is over 
8. sink or swim
It's a sink or swim situation.

9a. to swim against the stream/current 
I want my company to XXX, but I’m swimming against the stream.
9b. to swim with the stream/current, to go with the current, to go with the flow 

10.  XX made my head swim., XX will make your head swim. 
Math makes my head swim., Kanji makes my head swim.

11. a fish out of water:  
I feel like a fish out of water. 

12. a tall drink of water = a tall slender person, often good looking 
Hey, who’s that tall drink of water? 

13. I’m in hot water.  = I’m in trouble. 

14. to make sb’s mouth water
That picture makes my mouth water.

The smell of the freshly baked pie makes my mouth water. 

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