Thursday, August 4, 2016

Aug. 4, 2016 - Members Only Video

Aug. 4, 2016 
I inadvertently scheduled the class for 11am!
= mistakenly

I am conflicted about what I should do. 
Should I promote Trump? Should I Trump? OR … should I denounce Trump!

The GOP = The Grand Old Party = The Republican Party

to drop out = to quit

The Republicans bosses are thinking about what they could do if Trump quits.

Trump is on the Republican ballot. 

Jon Gosselin doesn’t 4 of his 8 children.
2 of 3 Dentists use ~ toothpaste.

Jay Leno surprised everybody by suddenly visiting a parking lot in Traverse City.

Mother of 5-year-old accidentally shot to death cited for child desertion

to desert sb = to leave them
desertion = leaving
a desertation = a PhD’s final essay 

She was cited. = She got a ticket.
She received a citation. 

a movie sequel = part 2 or 3, etc. of a movie

164 sequels in the works

in the works = doing now

This is why Jessica Simpson decided not to get a breast reduction. 

She got a breast reduction. <—> She got a breast augmentation. 

She had her breasts done. / She got a boob job.

She had nose job. 
She had her ~ done. 

She had a face lift.

She had plastic surgery. 

She had some work done.

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